Launch of the Winter Sales: Soon to be Decreased to Four Weeks

Finance General News
The winter sales in France could be reduced to just 4 weeks in 2019

While the winter sales start on Wednesday, the government plans a reduction from six to four weeks in 2019, and wants to set up a “Black friday” in the spring.

The winter sales, which begin on Wednesday 10th January to the 20th February will probably be the last to last as long: the government announced on Tuesday that they will reduce from six to four weeks.

“We will offer (…) a reduction of the two periods – summer and winter – from six to four weeks,” announced the Secretary of State for Economy, Delphine Geny-Stephann in an interview published Tuesday night on the newspaper’s website Le Parisien .

“It would be for implementation in 2019, presumably to the balances of January. This allows time for professionals to prepare “, she said, adding that the proposal would be included in the bill says” Covenant, “which will be presented in the spring by the Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire.

He had announced last summer a “dialogue” on the future of the balances in a growing confusion among consumers of context between the official price and the proliferation of one-off promotions, such as “Black Friday.”

A “Black Friday” in the spring?

The minister had advanced several lines of work, such as shortening the sales period or advancing the start of the winter sales to early January or to approach to “Boxing Day” similar to the United Kingdom.

“Professionals have expressed a desire to reduce the duration of summer and winter sales to focus attention, create more urgency and desire,” said Ms.Geny-Stephann.

According to the secretary of state, the start date of the sales remain however maintained to current dates, namely the second Wednesday of January and 4th Wednesday of June.

It was “difficult to reconcile the vision of small traders who wish to balance a period of destocking at the very end of the season and the wish of large retailers who would bring this period of time forward in the holiday season,” she said.

A new commercial operation is also under consideration. “It would be a short period of promotion, two or three days, launched at the national level,” said Ms. Geny-Stephann, indicating that traders wished to “coordinate” on the subject.

Official Launch in Orleans, a “strong signal”

In addition to these reforms, the Secretary of State has chosen, first, to officially launch the winter sales in the provinces and in independent shops, not in Paris, before the department stores, as was customary years preceding.

Ms. Geny-Stephann will travel Wednesday morning in several shops in Orleans, a “strong signal” enjoyed by manufacturers of clothing, a fragile sector with revenue from the sales still representing 20% of turnover.

“This is a historic move, which for us is a strong signal sent to independent shops and province in a context necessary revitalization of city centress,” said AFP President of the National Federation Garment (FNH), Bernard Morvan, who regrets that this “awareness” has taken so long.

Fewer and fewer participants

Yet it is urgent, that things need to be done and changed as the sales are having fewer followers, with the habit for consumers to enjoy discounts most of the year, thanks to “private sales”.

Nevertheless, according to a poll by YouGov / MaReduc, although the number of participants decreases each year (61% for winter sales 2016 57% 2017 54% this year), “This appointment continues to have some utility for the majority of French, ” with an average budget amounted to 276 euros.

A CSA poll for the Federation of distance selling (Fevad) expects its share of Internet purchases of 216 euros per person, which is the highest average since the beginning of this barometer, “up by 17 euros compared to 2017 and by 32 euros compared to 2016 “.

“The winter has been really mild so far, the French have not yet renewed their jackets and warm coats,” says Olivier Mathiot for his part, president of PriceMinister, Rakuten, which offer the opportunity for 4 million new products to be retrieved.

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