The school holidays begin Friday 3rd April 2020 but with confinement, the Paris police have implemented checks and roadblocks to avoid residents from leaving their homes.
Overshadowed by his polemical remarks making the link between non-compliance with confinement and hospitalisation in intensive care, the promise of the severity of the Paris police prefect, Didier Lallement, is at work Friday, April 3, 2020. The first day of school holidays for the ‘ Île-de-France, this day is the occasion for numerous checks, particularly on the ring road.
Access to the south and to Normandy patrolled
Police forces have been placed at several gates of Paris, at the entrances to the ring road, since Friday morning. Their mission is to turn back the Ile-de-France residents who would have decided to go on vacation despite the confinement. Controls are notably carried out at the accesses of the highways of the south, towards Bordeaux, Nantes and Lyon and towards Normandy.
Impressionnante file de voitures en direction de l’A13 et de la Normandie au 1er jour des vacances de Pâques.
Les policiers contrôlent les attestations des occupants des voitures qui s’engagent. #confinementjour17 #COVID19 #RestezChezVous
— Clément Lanot (@ClementLanot) April 3, 2020
Longue file d’attente au 1er jour des vacances de Pâques de près d’un kilomètre sur le périphérique parisien.
Contrôle en cours des arrestations au niveau de l’entrée de l’autoroute A6 (notamment direction Bordeaux, Nantes, Lyon). #ConfinementJour18
— Remy Buisine (@RemyBuisine) April 3, 2020
#COVID19 | Le préfet de Police Didier Lallement rappelle que le confinement est maintenu, les départs en vacances sont proscrits :
“Il n’est pas question que le confinement soit interrompu ; nous serons là pour sanctionner les comportements irresponsables.”#RestezChezVous— Préfecture de Police (@prefpolice) April 3, 2020
A traffic jam can be seen at the Porte d’Orléans towards the A6 motorway, it is one of the main apparent blocking points in Paris. Other control operations are carried out on the A13 and 14 motorways, and generally at all tolls. “You will meet law enforcement, police and gendarmes throughout your journey,” warned Didier Lallement.
Similar checks are carried out in major stations in Paris.
#COVID19 | En cette veille de vacances, il est vital de respecter les mesures de confinement. Les contrôles sont d’ores et déjà renforcés dans les gares parisiennes.
Nous avons tous un rôle à jouer pour sauver des vies.— Préfecture de Police (@prefpolice) April 3, 2020