Coronavirus: Controle Technique, Shopping, Car Sharing, The Response of the Gendarmes

we try and answer questions on coronavirus confinement

Many of you are wondering about your trips, the possibility of travelling as a couple, but also about the validity of your Controle Technique.  We try to get some answers

Many of you are wondering about your trips, the possibility of travelling as a couple, but also about the validity of your technical checks. Faced with the vagueness of the first days of confinement during the coronavirus epidemic, we asked Captain Pierre-Olivier Viprey, commander of the departmental road safety squadron in Charente (Photo archives Renaud Joubert). His answers to your questions.

My control technique expires this week. I read that the centres could remain open. But in reality, they are closed. What happens if I get checked? Am I at risk of a ticket? (The same question was asked several times for the counter-visits).

Captain Viprey. We are understanding and not inhuman. If we find that a technical control expires during the confinement period, we will be able to use common sense. For the time being, this is the only latitude noted, pending a possible national decision on the subject.

Precision. The interview was carried out in the afternoon. A few hours later, the government clarified that a three-month tolerance is granted for delays in the technical inspection of light vehicles. This tolerance also applies to the time limits prescribed by the regulations for carrying out light vehicle counter-visits.

Can I go with my husband to do the shopping? Especially for carrying water packs.

Captain Viprey. The idea of ​​confinement during this period of the coronavirus epidemic is to minimize travel and contact with other people as much as possible. Consequently, we are not going to do our shopping as a family or as a couple. Even if we each have a certificate. During the confinement period, we do our shopping alone. And we don’t go there every day. We do our shopping for a few days, we consume them, and we return later.

precision. Many women have asked us this question. Who because only her husband has the license, who because she has a back problem … This may be an opportunity for some men to learn to shop.

Can I go to work with a colleague, in the same car? I read that it was forbidden to be two in the same car?

Captain Viprey. It is not prohibited to be two in the same car. But it must be a person from the usual entourage and everyone must have their travel certificate as well as the employer’s certificate. No question of making a 15 km detour to pick up a colleague. If it’s a neighbour, and we work together, it’s possible. But remember, I repeat, to have a certificate, and that of the employer, per person.

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