Tesla: A Drunk Dutch Driver Falls Asleep at the Wheel, the Car Continues its Journey with the Autopilot

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Drunk driver in the Netherlands, fallen asleep while in autopilot mode

ROAD SAFETY: The police were forced to operate their sirens to wake up the motorist asleep at the wheel in his Tesla

Police in the province of Utrecht ( the Netherlands ) were faced with a puzzling situation last Thursday. They surprised a drunk man sleeping at the wheel of his Tesla that was still driving on the highway. The driver had activated the Autopilot before falling asleep on the driver’s side.


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Dat er meerdere manieren zijn om de Tesla te gebruiken wanneer deze autonoom rijdt konden we vorige week al op het nieuws zien. Afgelopen nacht zagen we een Tesla dicht op zijn voorganger rijden op de #A27 bij #Eemnes. Toen wij langszij kwamen bleek de bestuurder in slaap gevallen te zijn. Een volgteken werd gegeven maar de bestuurder, een man van 50 jaar oud uit Meppel, merkte dit niet op en de Tesla begon ons zelfs in te halen toen wij de snelheid omlaag brachten en de snelweg wilden verlaten. Uiteindelijk is met behulp van de sirene de man gewekt. Hij bleek tevens onder invloed van alcohol (340ug/l). Zijn rijbewijs is ingevorderd op grond van artikel 5 Wegenverkeerswet. #LandelijkeEenheid #verkeerspolitie #tesla #instacop

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The Tesla tries to overtake the police

Police noticed the electric Tesla sedan while driving at a very low speed behind a truck, reports Le Parisien . A surprising behaviour that drove them to want to test the driver. So they signalled to him to go down on the side, without success. They then decided to manoeuvre between the truck and the Tesla to force it to slow down but the autonomous vehicle began to overtake them!

The police finally realised that the driver was sleeping and that he had probably activated the autopilot autonomous mode. They finally managed to wake him up by activating their siren. His driver’s license was immediately withdrawn.

The American manufacturer, led by American billionaire Elon Musk , is trying to remind car owners that they must be able to resume control at all times and that they must be vigilant even when the Autopilot is activated. . Obviously, the message has not gone well yet.

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