Seine et Marne: The Home and Car of Eric Drouet of the Yellow Vests Vandalised During the Night

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The home of Yellow Vests Eric Drouet was vandilised

On the night of Monday to Tuesday, the home of Eric Drouet, one of the figures of “yellow vests”, was a victim of vandalism.

Returning from work at 3am on Tuesday, Eric Drouet, figure of Yellow Vests , found that his vehicle had two flat tires. Information from Europe 1 , confirmed in the Republic of Seine-et-Marne by the police.

The car driver’s home in Melun (Seine-et-Marne) and his car were also degraded with yellow paint.

Yellow paint was spilled on the mailbox of Eric Drouet's house in Melun (© La Rep 77 / JVC)
Yellow paint was spilled on the mailbox of Eric Drouet’s house in Melun (© La Rep 77 / JVC)

“It’s not about offensive tags but pure and simple damage,” says the police. The “yellow vest” complained to the police. On site, the degradations are visible on the letter box that was covered with yellow paint and a tag was made to paint on the facade of the pavilion.

“It’s really cowardice. It’s very simple to do that, “reacted Eric Drouet to BFMTV.

Melunais his lawyer ,  Khufu Lara, contacted by The Republic of Seine-et-Marne, adds: “This cowardly act was committed in a context of false statements to the Interior Minister, Christophe Castaner. My client never made calls to violence, never! On behalf of Chistrophe Castaner, it is detestable, lamentable! “.

The attorney of Melun, Beatrice Angelelli, recalls that damage to private property is punishable by three years in prison. “There, we have three traces of painting that fight in a duel. We have nothing, no suspects and no CCTV, “however tempers the magistrate.

The Melun police station is in charge of the investigation.

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