A new assessment of the collapse of a viaduct in Genoa, northwestern Italy reports about thirty deaths according to the government, which fears “an immense tragedy”.
A long stretch of a viaduct of the A10 highway collapsed Tuesday in Genoa , northern Italy, reports about thirty dead and several seriously injured , while the Minister of Transport said to dread “an immense tragedy”.
“Unfortunately, there are about thirty confirmed deaths and many serious injuries,” said Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, during a press briefing in Catania (Sicily), while aid continues to search the rubble.
This collapse of the bridge, the deadliest in Europe since 2001, precipitated cars and trucks in the void from a height of 45 meters
Se desploma 100 metros del puente A10 en #Génova, #Italia, que estaba suspendido a 100 metros de altura, las cifras iniciales indican que al menos 11 personas murieron durante el desplome. En breve más información. pic.twitter.com/2hMG0cU7mq— TABASCO HOY (@TabascoHOY) 14 August 2018
Así ha sido el momento del derrumbe de un viaducto en Génova. Los servicios de emergencia creen que podría haber decenas de muertos bajo los escombros. pic.twitter.com/OAm4eJcJAI
— La Vanguardia (@LaVanguardia) 14 August 2018
#Genova, si continua a scavare tra le macerie del ponte crollato. Anche un bambino tra le vittime → https://t.co/DEECHMD61e pic.twitter.com/iWe5pLNmtA
— Rainews (@RaiNews) 14 August 2018
A disaster #Genova pic.twitter.com/sTdXPGtPDO
— Rodolfo Belcastro (@belcastrotw) 14 August 2018
#Genova è un disastro. pic.twitter.com/QWin3NT1t5
— Alessandro GRECO (@Pgreco_) 14 August 2018
“We are following the situation minute by minute, I thank the 200 firefighters who are working to save lives,” said Interior Minister Matteo Salvini. “This bridge, I have passed over hundreds of times, but now I will do everything to have the names of past and present leaders. It is unacceptable to die like that in Italy, “he said.
Carcasses of trucks and cars
The base of the viaduct was being consolidated, according to the Italian motorway company.
On the spot, dozens of rescuers, accompanied by dogs, were busy around the remains of the bridge and the carcasses of trucks and cars crushed, even entangled in the structure. Firefighters evacuated bodies on stretchers, while helicopters were waiting for the wounded.
According to firefighters, the bridge called Morandi collapsed around 12:00 (10:00 GMT). “Firefighter teams are hired en masse, research teams and dogs are activated,” they announced earlier on Twitter.
According to the regional fire department of Genoa, the infrastructure has largely collapsed on railway tracks that it crosses.

The collapse of the viaduct has touched the premises of an energy-producing factory whose entrance is below, but only the parking seems to have been affected. The company was empty as it approached August 15, a public holiday, except for the presence of a maintenance team.
The images broadcast show the viaduct with several tens of meters missing, in an industrial area. On the first shots, we see a scene in the mist. The meteorological services had issued an alert to thunderstorms and heavy rain in Liguria.
Because of the rugged terrain of the Genoa region, between the sea and the mountains, the route of the motorway is marked by long viaducts and tunnels.
The Morandi Bridge that collapsed had already been criticized in the past. According to the website ingegneri.info , the 1,182 meter long bridge was inaugurated in 1967. It was built between 1963 and 1967 with a mixed structure, prestressed reinforced concrete and ordinary reinforced concrete.