The railway workers are again called on strike this Wednesday 18th April, 2018. This new strike will disrupt the traffic in Normandy. Here are the forecasts.
Like every day of the strike at the SNCF, the rail company announces traffic forecasts. In Normandy , the day of Wednesday 18th April, 2018 will be “very distrupted” on the entire rail network of the region.
One Ter in two
TER: One train in two
Intercités :
- Paris-Rouen-Le Havre Line: One in three trains
- Paris-Caen-Cherbourg line: two trains out of five
- Paris-Granville Line: One in five trains
- Caen-Tours line: no traffic
TGV Le Havre-Marseille : no traffic
As a reminder, this “current strike action” lasts until the 28th June, 36

As a reminder, this “current strike action” lasts until the 28th June, 36 days. The next strike of the railway workers will take place on Thursday 19th April, 2018.
For its part, the National Assembly does not intend to drop the case. It is preparing to adopt in first reading the bill of reform rail , challenged by the left and finally approved by LR after some procrastination.