The Peak of the Flooding of the Seine in Paris will Not Exceed 6 Metres

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The peak levels of the Seine in Paris should not exceed 6 Metres

The forecast of the peak of the flood of the Seine in Paris is downgraded. According to Vigicrues, it will be lower than in 2016.

The flood peak of the Seine in Paris is expected to be between 5.80 m and 6 m at the weekend, said Vigicrues this Friday, revising downward from previous estimates that were considering a higher flood to 6.10m in 2016.

“We had banked between 5.80 m and 6.20 m. The closer to the event, the more we manage to reduce this uncertainty and would rather now between 5.80 m and 6 m “ , says Francois Duquesne, director of the flood forecasting organization.

Vigicrues is reassured

The “flood wave” that formed the headwaters of the Marne and Seine “are now back slowly towards Paris, they will reach the capital this weekend, with a flood peak very very flat, between Saturday noon and Sunday morning “ , he said.

Vigicrues was previously worried a new front that rainy Thursday replenished waterways of the Seine basin. “But here we are reassured, they will come and support the water level but not increase it” , commented François Duquesne, which helped refine the forecast range.

“What one must pay attention is that it will come down very slowly, and that if he repleut much from the middle of next week, I do not know at this stage, it is not necessarily after “ , has tempered Marc Mortureux, director of risk prevention at the Department of ecological Transition.

The level of the Seine, which goes very slowly for several days, was 5.59 m to 10 pm at the bridge of Austerlitz.

Measures already taken

Prohibited navigation, barges and museums under surveillance, evacuated residents, precautionary measures have been taken in Ile-de-France, where 395 people were evacuated, mostly in the Val-de-Marne. A thousand subscribers on 6.2 million without electricity.

Nationally, thirteen departments are always placed in orange vigilance risk of flooding in the basins of the Seine and the Saone. Seven others are warning snow and ice on the mountains of the Massif Central, the Aveyron, the Lozere and the Loire.

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