The cold and the flakes will take over Toulouse and Haute-Garonne on the night of Thursday 30th November to Friday 1st December 2017. Flurries are announced.
As the days will pass and the cold will seize the city of Toulouse! Temperatures of 0 degrees are expected in a Christmas atmosphere … of snow showers are expected on the night of Thursday 30th November to Friday 1st December 2017.
First snow in the night of Thursday to Friday
If the forecasts of Météo France may change during the week on Monday, show their cards well snow showers from Thursday, November 30, 2017 evening. It is first southern Haute-Garonne who will be affected: Saint-Gaudens, Sana and Carbon should indeed see some flakes fall between 7pm Thursday and 7 am on Friday morning. But the northern department should also benefit. Snow is also announced on the night of Thursday to Friday, on Verfeil , Villemur-sur-Tarn and Revel with temperatures between -1 and 5 degrees.

And Toulouse ?
The snow should shyly cover the Pink City on Friday 1st December 2017 evening, and all night until dawn on Saturday. Toulouse will not be the only one concerned since all of Haute-Garonne should be affected by this meteorological phenomenon not quite season. Do not, however, expect to see the department take its white winter coat: only ” a few flakes ” are announced by Météo France, despite Thursday evening flurries. Side temperatures, it will however well get his coat. Friday as Saturday the temperature will go no higher than 5 degrees.

Flakes all over Occitanie, in the night from Friday to Saturday
Hautes-Pyrénées to the Ardèche through the Tarn-et-Garonne: it’s all the Occitanie who should be entitled to her flakes in the night from Friday 1st to Saturday, December 2, 2017. The flakes should remain shyly at least until late morning on Saturday to some departments like the Aveyron or Lozere.