Smoking: What are Public Places where you can Legally Vape

General News
You will not be able to Vape in public places

PUBLIC HEALTH: From 1st October 2017, it will be prohibited to “Vape” in many public places” …

Bad news for fans of the electronic cigarette . From 1 October it will not be possible vape in the office or on the subway. Indeed, several provisions of the law of 26 January 2016 modernising our health system surrounding vaping come into force on that date.

closed offices, restaurants and bars exempted

In detail, the implementing decree issued last April provides that as of Sunday, it will be forbidden to vape in “schools and establishments for the reception, training and hosting minor “and in” public transit means closed (buses, subways, trains …).

At work, everything will depend on the layout of the premises and the public concerned: vapoting will thus be forbidden “in indoor workplaces and flatware for public use that is to say, those in  open space” , says the website service-  No problem however, for employees working in an individual office which is enclosed.

“Local hosting areas open to the public such as bars, restaurants or hotels for example” will not affected by the ban, “unless the Rules of Procedure provides,” says the government information website.

Up to 450 euro fine

In industrial facilities covered by the new regulations, the employer must provide “an apparent signal” recalling the principle of the prohibition to vape and, “if necessary, conditions for its application within the walls of these places” specified in the order.

And beware for offenders: for vapers, “ignorance of the ban” will now be punishable by a fine of 150 euros (2nd class ticket). As for the leaders of the places where the ban applies, “those who do not implement signalling” the exhibit to a fine of 450 euros (contrary to 3rd class).

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