The eccentric anticyclone over the Azores will let the disturbances along the Channel coast, in and around Lorient and across Brittany
Overcast and grey morning (intermittent presence of mists) with low mist between 8 am and 11 am before most weak continuous rain in the late morning and midday. In the afternoon, the front that drains very slowly to the southeast generates initially overcast with light and continuous rains; these fading by mid afternoon.
Cloud cover that dissipates after 5pmh before the gradual return of cloudy by the coast. Southwest Wind moderate morning (force 3, gusts 25-35 km/h, 45 km/h on Groix) weakening westerly afternoon. Fort Blocked: Houle West 1m. Min: 12 /13 degrees; maximum: 19 / 20 degrees; (11 / 12degrees to 20 / 21 degrees inland). Sails altitude cumulus clouds and evening; weak west wind. 18 degrees at 8pm, 15 degrees at midnight and 13 degrees at 3am.
Mists at dawn before a sunny morning embellished for high altitude sails. By late morning and midday sun, generous Lorient and the coastal border made with fair-weather cumulus formation (sometimes developed) north of Lorient Plœmeur-axis.
In the afternoon, if the sun is generous Groix and all the beaches, it alternates with cumulus sometimes developed north of Quéven-Hennebont Kervignac-axis with few showers north of Plouay.Vent very low north morning with westerly breeze effect afternoon on the coastal edge. Fort Blocked: westerly swell <1 m. Min: 11 / 12 degrees; maximum: 20 / 21 degrees (10 / 11 degrees to 21 / 22 degrees inland). Clear in the evening; 19 degrees at 8pm, 16 degrees at midnight and 14 degrees at 3am.