The 11 Mandatory Vaccines for Children from 1st January 2018

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There will be 11 mandatory vaccines from 1st January 2018

VACCINES: On “CNews” Agnès Buzyn said the eleven vaccines will be mandatory from 1 January 2018 …

This is information that may alarm many parents who refuse to vaccinate their children.She had promised implementation in 2018, the Health Minister Agnès Buzyn specifies that the entry into force of the eleven mandatory childhood vaccines will be effective from 1 January.

Mandatory as of the 1st January

The eleven mandatory vaccinations “will be from January 1st,” announced and Agnès Buzyn on CNews.

“We obviously will leave time for families to get in working order because it is out of question to get people vaccinated in emergency”, stressed the minister. “But she insisted, the idea is that 15% of children (unvaccinated) who endanger others and that promote the re-emergence of epidemics for which there are now dead start walking in order to protect the rest of the population. ”

Eight vaccines will rise from mandatory Recommended

Today, only three childhood vaccines are mandatory in France against diphtheria, tetanus and polio (DTP). Eight are only Recommended: whooping cough, measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae bacteria, pneumococcus, meningococcus C. The minister wants to make these eight also mandatory vaccines.

“My goal is not to punish”

Recalcitrant Parents incur in theory up to six months in prison and 3,750 euros fine. But the minister said this was envisaged in the draft law on child immunization an exemption clause for parents vehemently opposed to vaccination.

“My goal is not to punish. The purpose of this requirement is to make the trust the French, “she said Thursday.

Discussion on additives

This summer, tensions have increased between the anti-vaccine and the minister. Including the question of adjuvants. The adjuvants used in the manufacture  of vaccines”are not harmful,” said Wednesday the Health Minister. She described the fears expressed by some doctors and associations of “misinformation” in social networks.

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