In January, the number of job seekers registered at the employment center in category A, that is to say without any activity, remained virtually stable compared to December. “In the last three months, the trend is favorable,” according to the Ministry of Labour.
In January, the number of people registered at employment center (Class A) increased by 800. A small increase of 0.02% compared to December . “In the last three months, the trend is favorable; the number of job seekers without activity decreases from 9100 (-0.3%) ” , assures the Ministry of Labour, in a statement.
“The situation of young people under 25 years continues to improve,” he said. The number of registered employment center without activity decreases of 1600 (-0.3%) in January and found the level of the summer of 2011. In the last three months, the fall reached 8000 (-1.7% ).
The improvement is also for the unemployed long term, the number fell by 1,100 (-0.05%) in January to 13,400 (-0.6%) over the last three months.

3.72 million people
This stagnation (0%) in the number of job seekers without activity (category A), is quite uncommon in the monthly statistics of the operator for several years, was also observed in all France (overseas included) where the number of unemployed amounted to 3.72 million people. By including job seekers exerting a small (Class B and C), the indicator rose slightly in January, from 0.4% to 5.49 million people in France.
Job creation
“The measures taken by the Government to boost the recovery in economic activity resulted concretely by a record number of net new payroll jobs in 2016 (191 700 in the market sectors) and a drop of more than 105,000 the number of job seekers without activity, a first for nine years “ , says the Ministry of Labour.
The CGT noted in a statement that unemployment remained “precarious high for increasing the detriment including 50+” . FO his side evokes an “explosion” of insecurity traps “” . At the start of election year, unemployment figures will be scrutinized less politically than previous months and years, because no candidate is openly claims the legacy of François Hollande.