Friday 3rd February, from 7am to 4pm, wind gusts of 110 km/h are expected inland, up to 130 km/h on exposed headlands. The speed will be limited to 70 km/h on the bridge of Iroise.
Gusts to 110 km/h inland up to 130 km/h on exposed headlands are expected this Friday, 7 am to 4 pm.
Speed restrictions? One on the bridge of Iroise in Brest will be limited to 70 km/h.
The cable monitored closely
As for the cable car, for now, it should flow Normally Friday morning. But surveillance will be increased. “The system stops if gust to 108 km/h , says one Keolis. This is why we will be particularly vigilant. If constant wind at 90 km/h, which can then involve higher gusts, then we would stop the traffic so that travelers are blocked. ”