Road safety: The Number of Road Deaths Fell by 16.4% in October

General News
New road safety figures for france has seen a drop of Road deaths in October

Road Safety: This is 62 fewer deaths compared to October 2015 …

Good news on the road safety on the French roads?  The number of deaths on French roads fell by 16.4% in October, with 316 people killed, announced this Thursday by  the National Interministerial Road Safety Office . This is 62 people less than in October 2015, marked by the accident because of Puisseguin (43 dead).

The number of accidents though is actually up by 7% (5.440, or 355 additional accidents) and the number of people injured by 9.6% (6.886, 601 wounded more).

Over the first 10 months of the year, the number of people killed on the roads remains higher by 0.8% than that recorded over the same period last year: 2,882 people were killed in total, 22 more over the same period last year.

A third year of growth?

The decline of October does not remove the specter of a third consecutive year of increase in road deaths. After twelve years of decline, France had seen in 2014 the number of road deaths rise again (3384 dead, + 3.5% compared to 2013), as well as in 2015 (3,464 killed, two 4% compared to 2014). The country had not recorded two consecutive years of increase in road deaths for 35 years.

“As we approach the weekend of November 11 and the first cold spell, Road Safety reminds that vigilance and absolute respect of all safety rules while driving are therefore needed more than ever to all users of, ” she said in a statement.

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