ROAD SAFETY: The revenues from the automated speed cameras on the roads of France could go from 672 to 844 million euros …
Is a story that goes along with the last digit of road safety, with an increase of 30.4% of road deaths in September . The government expects a 25% increase in flat revenues from the automated control in 2017, according to figures from the Finance Bill for next year, reported by the publication, Les Echos .
844 million Euros revenue in 2017?
This year (2016), 672 million euros of fines should be issued and collected. Next year it is estimated that the state should reap 844 million euros in 2017. This would be a record revenue from the large-scale installation of automated radars in France since 2002, says the business daily.
To achieve this, it is planned to install an additional 150 cameras next year, to reach a total of 4,600 speed cameras at the roadside. 4,700 are planned for 2018, the final stage of a plan decided in 2015 to improve the numbers of road safety.
Les recettes issues des radars pourraient atteindre un record en 2017 @AxelDeTarle @LesEchos #E1Matin
— Europe 1 (@Europe1) October 7, 2016
Double camera radars, unmanned radars …
This is in fact two years since the deaths of numbers on the roads is increasing, after a continuous decline of twelve years. In 2015, 3,461 people were killed in a traffic accident, or 77 more than in 2014.
The government has also planned to review its system. In addition to standard fixed speed cameras, speed cameras to distinguish the speed of cars from of those heavy goods vehicles will be deployed.