A collision between two cars occurred around 5.30am Saturday morning, on the N176, in Plouer-sur-Rance (Côtes d’Armor), near Dinan St. Malo. Three men died in the accident.
A very serious accident occurred Saturday morning in Plouer-sur-Rance, at the entrance of Chateaubriant bridge on the N 176 on a portion limited to 90 km / h, on the border between the Côtes-d Armor and Ille-et-Vilaine. Three people died and five others injured, according to our information.

Six men on board
What we know at this stage of the investigation is a first vehicle is traveling with six men on board in the direction Dinan St. Malo. The driver would be the Saint-Malo region loses control, the vehicle roll over. A second car, which follows the first, with a man and two women aboard, struck the damaged vehicle. Three passengers were ejected.
Three men died in the first vehicle. Two others were seriously injured, their life is in a critical condition. One of them is sent to the hospital in Rennes.

Traffic diverted
In the second car, a woman was seriously injured, another slightly more. The injured were taken to hospitals in Saint-Brieuc, Dinan, Saint-Malo and Rennes.
Traffic is currently diverted through the town of Plouër-sur-Rance, causing a major traffic jams.
Traffic in Dinan St. Malo sense will momentarily be by Dinard. At 11 am on Saturday morning, there are 14 km of traffic jams on each side of the bridge, side and side Cotes d’Armor Ille-et-Vilaine.
35 firemen many aid centers intervened and two Smur, to help the victims.