Nine students of the UNEF, Communist youth unfurled a banner in front of the offices of the PS deputy Marie-Françoise Clergeau, 7.30am Tuesday morning.
A small group of students were meeting early on Tuesday morning, in front of the offices of the deputy PS of Loire-Atlantique, Marie-Françoise Clergeau, to lead a symbolic action requesting the withdrawal of the Labour Law in Nantes. They were there at 7.30am, quai Turenne,, opposite the CHU, to “challenge” the MP, absent at that time but due. Tuesday begins the review of the Labour law in the national assembly. “it is there for the withdrawal of the law, we will fight to the end ” , says Emilie Bellin, president of the Unef.L’Unef, CGT youth, the communist youth and the communist student Union were represented.
Pasted posters
The action lasted five minutes. Students pasted posters on the floor and on the wall of the permanence of the MP. On Tuesday afternoon, they will not protest alongside the rally organizers (general strike, Nantes Outraged …). “There is no appeal of this event. And we do not endorse those who violate the urban furniture and businesses ” , adds Charles Marsaud, federal secretary of the Young Communists.
“We marched on May 1,” he says.
Other student actions
Students and young activists are gone, some to work, some to college, and provide other symbolic actions to come.
A student has also taken action, rue d’Orléans and Commerce Square. The body drawn on the floor with chalk symbolize “the Labour Law that kills us.”