Labour Law: Protest Scheduled Wednesday Afternoon in Nantes

Local News
Students will once again be protesting against the proposed labour law in Nantes this afternoon

The national student union and students from Lycees have called a day of action at 2pm, place du Bouffay in Nantes.

The Student National Coordination (CNE) calls  “to the Wednesday, 20th April a day of action in all the cities of France.”

In Nantes, the University is being blocked by students, a coordination decided by a blocking action on Wednesday morning and an afternoon demonstration. They invite participants to a picnic in front of the l’Hôtel-Dieu at 12.30pm. The procession will then march into the city centre and then to gather for a general meeting.

A Prefectural Order

On Monday, the prefecture of Loire-Atlantique took an order temporarily prohibiting , for the 20th April, from 8 am to 11.59 pm the ” transport of objects which may constitute improvised weapon”  to within a scope that goes well beyond the City Centre and covers the entire l’île de Nantes.  The repercussions of such an order has already been field tested last Thursday. The police had leaked disruptive potential upstream of the event.  And had arrested 12 protestors.  This Wednesday, they will once again, keep to the same process, “to prevent serious risks of disturbances to public order” .

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