Traffic has Resumed in Eurotunnel after Intrusion by Refugees

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Trains have resumed at the Eurotuunel after an intrusion by refugees
Trains have resumed at the Eurotuunel after an intrusion by refugees
One hundred migrants were introduced that night in the Channel Tunnel. Traffic was interrupted at 0 h 30. | AFP

One hundred migrants gained access to the Channel Tunnel in the night. Traffic was interrupted at 0 h 30. It gradually resumed.

The traffic in the Channel Tunnel is gradually recovering after the traffic interruption occurred as a result of the intrusion of migrants.  Eurotunnel management has reported this morning, describing the refugees as “massive”,”targeted” and “organized”.

The traffic in the Channel Tunnel near Calais was interrupted, just after midnight at 0 h 30 on the night of Friday to Saturday when hundreds of organised migrants gained access to the site, we learn from Eurotunnel. “Just after midnight, around 0h 30 am, one hundred migrants forced a fence and gained access to the tunnel. We had to suspend the service for safety concerns”, told a spokesman for the Eurotunnel group.

It said the police were on the site and still suspended traffic.  Ten minor injuries including seven migrants were aided by  five ambulances which were present on site, reported an officer of Pompiers based in Nord-de-Calais.  “Currently other migrants are being output. They had entered the south tunnel and the service tunnel “, he said.

Numerous escape attempts

Asked about the presence of militants with migrants No Border of the anarchist movement, the representative of Eurotunnel said it was “highly likely that this is a thoughtful operation aimed to call attention public opinion “.

The tunnel on the site, which totals 650 hectares and a perimeter of about twenty km, has this summer seen many intrusion attempts, usually at night. There was a spike on August 3rd when 1700 was reached.  Significant work has taken place securing the site, new barriers, strengthening of staff, sniffer dogs , has been undertaken.  The number of attempts had declined to settle around a hundred a night, according to several police sources.

Some of these intrusions have resulted in the death of migrants.  Since June 26th, 13 of them died near the tunnel trying to reach England, which they consider an Eldorado.   About 3500 migrants live in disgraceful conditions in the camp of the new jungle east of Calais.  And recently the shuttle drivers said that their working stress levels have increased having to work in such conditions.

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