The transportation alternatives bloom. Electric bikes, Segways, and skates with gyroscopic wheels … and here Rocket Skates that are ready to storm our side walks.
Until the Hoverboard, the skateboard from the film Back to the future, really becomes a reality, what are the light and alternative transportation methods to get around town. 15 years after the first Segways were launched by Segway, there has been Electric scooters, motorbikes and other gyro Smart boards all battery operated, and now we have the first RocketSkates that have just been announced in France!
2 hours charge, 15 km of autonomy
Imported by the French company Eco-Riders, which has exclusive rights, these skates which exclusively feature electric gyroscopic motors need some practice to get use to them. Antoine Sebis, CEO of Eco-Riders, said “the rollers need to find a new balance and sensations that must be tamed. ” But according to him, one to two hours of practice -if one can say- is enough to tame.
The rollers interact together
Placing your foot in only takes seconds and your foot binds with a quick release strap, the RocketSkates can be controlled fairly intuitively. Like any gyroscopic mode of transport, it is necessary to lean forward to go forward and backward to slow or even stop. And the two rollers interact together to harmonize their speed.
Obstacles on tiptoe
Attention : the RocketSkates do not like wet roads or rough damaged surfaces. Parisian cobblestones, are also a no no! And to overcome small obstacles such as up or down a few steps, you can use the points of your feet that go almost a third of the rollers sole. Sold for 990 euros, the RocketSkates are obviously more than just toys and may still attract the “early testers” capable of such an investment. Which must comply with legislation and ride safely on the sidewalks to 6 km / h maximum.