Nantes: A Dozen Stolen Sheep on a Farm in Couëron

Local News
Sheep stolen from a farm near Nantes
Sheep stolen from a farm near Nantes
Illustration: sheep in France. – LCHAM / SIPA

Twelve animals were stolen in the night from Saturday to Sunday …

The farm site is equipped with an alarm and cameras,  yet this Sunday, a couple of farmers at Couëron had the unpleasant surprise to see a dozen of their sheep were missing, report Presse Océan and Ouest-France.

The value of these sheep, is estimated to be between 120 and 160 euros each. “Since the beginning of the year, including a dog attack, the damage amounts to 10,000 euros,” said the breeder, interviewed by Press Ocean.

For this is not the first time that some of their sheep have disappeared at night, it is even the fourth theft in three years.  The last one on the 24th June, when sheep with lambs had been stolen.

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