Summer Sales Figures Disappointing

Finance General News
Summer Sales Disappointing

Summer Sales DisappointingThe summer sales have recorded disappointing figures

The summer sales of 2015, have recorded disappointing figures at the end of their run.  The latest figures just released, show that shoppers stayed away from the shops, preferring to spend online.  The number of sales and the amount spent were both down on the previous year.

This is the second set of bad results for the sales for the shops , as the figures for the sales at the beginning of the year werery poor, with fears of terrorist attacks making a dent in shopping habits.

This summer’s heatwave is being blamed for the cause that has hit profits, as shoppers opted for lighter cheaper clothing such as t-shirts and sandals, avoiding heavier more expensive coats and shoes.

International Consulting Firm, Kurt Salmon say that the number of people visiting shops is down 1.5% on the previous year, with their average spend down between 2%-3%.  Kurt Salmon director, Philippe Guilbert said that more people were opting to buy through online shops on the internet, whose lower prices throughout the year reduced the budget they set aside for the traditional sales.

However the group Toluna, which specialises in analysing the data of large shops, said that around 77% of people had bought at least one sale item during the sale period over the past six weeks.

The government has increased restrictions on sales, forcing shops back to the traditional two periods of six weeks in which they can sell items at below cost price.

Shops in Paris managed to buck the downward trend.  According to the capital’s chamber of commerce 75% of managers reported that their turnover was up compared to the previous year, and that 44% said their turnover was up by more than 20%.

The continued increase in online sales shopping this summer, rose but at a slower rate than previous periods.  Sales were up 6% compared to the same period last year, however the year-on-year rise last year was 11%.

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