This is what has been announced by the Elysee on Friday …
Lille, Rouen and Dijon were selected as regional capitals and nine regional prefect posts will be removed, according to the decisions on the new territorial organization announced yesterday,Friday in the Council of Ministers.
Besides these three cities which remained on a small uncertainty, Lyon, Toulouse and Bordeaux were confirmed as capitals of new areas arising from territorial redistribution , according to the minutes of the Cabinet. The choice of Strasbourg had already been fixed by law.
Remove prefects positions
This list, however, is still provisional, the final places to be fixed “before 1 October 2016, after consulting the regional councils from the end of 2015 renewal.”
Six other regions, which have not changed in the transition from 22 to 13 metropolitan regions, retain their historic capitals.
Moreover, “the reform removes 9 regional prefects positions and CEOs of regional health agencies and 63 regional directors stations state administrations and their staffs.”
Implementation of the reform
“In every region merged, from next year, there will be one regional prefect, one rector of academic region, only one CEO of regional health agency and one regional director for each departmental network, “the government in the minutes of the Council.
Issues of current directions, “future regional offices will be located on existing sites will be maintained.”
The government should allow the new organization to limit the geographical mobility of territorial officials that should concern “of about 1,000 agents over the three years of implementation of the reform,” a total of 27,000 officers of State based in the regions.