Mexican president ready to play guinea pig for Russian coronavirus vaccine

Coronavirus: Mexican President Ready to Play Guinea Pig for Russian Vaccine

VACCINATION: Mexican President Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador will do it if “the coronavirus vaccine is effective and accessible to all”  The Russians could well have a luxury tester. Mexican President Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador said on Monday that he was ready to receive the vaccine against the coronavirus developed by the Russians. However, nothing is done yet. The Head of State in […]

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Vladimir Putin will be in power until 2032

Russia: Vladimir Putin Allowed to Stay in Power until 2036

KREMLIN: Russian President, Vladimir Putin easily won opposition-denounced constitutional referendum that would allow him to stay in the Kremlin until the age of 84 Vladimir Putin won the constitutional referendum by a large margin in order to run for two new terms. The revision also introduces into the Constitution conservative principles dear to the president. […]

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French Ambassador to Russia Pierre Levy at Sheremetyevo Airport in Moscow where French people are preparing to be repatriated on April 4, 2020.

Coronavirus: Nearly 170 French Returnees from Russia by Plane

A flight organized by the French Embassy allowed the repatriation of French nationals, who were stranded in Russia. Going back to France, one of the European countries most affected by coronavirus , or staying in Russia where the number of infected people is skyrocketing after having been insignificant for a long time? For Christian Querouix, a French pensioner […]

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A passenger disembarks from the cruise ship Diamond Princess in quarantine in the port of Yokohama in Japan, on February 19, 2020.

Coronavirus: A Fourth Plane Sent to China to Repatriate French People

The director-general of health said Wednesday (February 19th) that dozens of French people will be repatriated from China and confined to a holiday village. A fourth plane will fly to China in view of the French repatriation from Wuhan, announced Professor Jérôme Salomon, director-general of health, in an update on the coronavirus epidemic, Wednesday 19th February […]

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Doping: Russia excluded from Olympics for four years

Doping: Russia Excluded from Olympics for Four Years

Russia is penalized for falsifying the anti-doping data of its athletes. Russians have 21 days to appeal. he World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) decided on Monday to exclude Russia from the Olympics for four years, which includes Tokyo-2020 and Beijing-2022, to punish the falsification of control data handed over to the agency, said a spokesperson for WADA following the executive […]

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French President Emmanuel Macron greets his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin at Fort Brégançon on 19 August 2019 near Bormes-les-Mimosas.

Tense Exchanges Between Vladimir Putin and Emmanuel Macron on Yellow Vests

The Russian president was received by his French counterpart at Fort de Brégançon on Monday 19th August 2019. Despite some disagreements, they showed a desire for rapprochement. Emmanuel Macron received Vladimir Putin Monday 19th August 2019 in the summer residence of the French presidents. The two men showed an apparent cordiality and a will of rapprochement between […]

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Emmanuel Macron receives Vladimir Putin before the G7 summit

Emmanuel Macron receives Vladimir Putin before the G7 Summit

The master of the Kremlin is expected at Fort Brégançon by the French president. Libya, Iran, Syria and Ukraine will be the main crises on the agenda of this meeting. Emmanuel Macron receives Monday 19th August 2019 Russian President Vladimir Putin in the south of France to sweep the major diplomatic issues ahead of the G7 summit next weekend. “Necessary” […]

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Ekaterina Karaglanova was an intern in dermatology, and related her travels on Instagram and her blog. - Katti_loves_life

Russia: The Body of Influencer Ekaterina Karaglanova Found in a Suitcase

The suspect confessed to the murder of  instagramer Ekaterina Karaglanova to Moscow police The 24-year-old  instagramer Ekaterina Karaglanova was found dead, her body in a suitcase, in the lobby of her Moscow building. The suspect, Maxim Gareyev, confessed to having committed the murder, Moscow police said. Ekaterina Karaglanova was an intern in dermatology in Moscow. 85,000 subscribers followed his trips to Europe on Instagram […]

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NASA will rent the International Space Station to tourists: $ 35,000 per night

NASA will Rent the International Space Station to Tourists: $ 35,000 Per Night

Count around $ 35,000 per night and per astronaut. The first tourists will be able to go there in 2020 and thus develop “the economy of space”. Twenty years after Russia, NASA wants to get paid from 2020 to accommodate space tourists and companies in the International Space Station (ISS), which it seeks to disengage financially. “NASA is opening the […]

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Tinder agrees to share personal data with Russian authorities

Tinder Agrees to Share the Personal Data of its Users with the Russian Authorities

The dating app, Tinder will provide personal data information on users at the request of the authorities and will have to store its data on Russian territory This is the end of the personal data of Tinder users in Russia. Roskomnadzor, the Russian agency that oversees communications, technology and media, wants the app to share information […]

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