Easter weekend weather for Morbihan

Weather in Morbihan: A Beautiful Weekend but a Rainy Easter Monday

We were getting closer to the perfect Easter weekend in Morbihan. But a depression arriving Monday decided otherwise. Showers will be expected all day. From this Friday afternoon, the sun will show and show well. According to Meteo-France , the sky should be totally clear over Plouay and Questembert . And in addition, it will be hot: 19 degrees near the coast at 24 degrees inland. #CLIMATOLOGIE #BRETAGNE #TEMPÉRATURES Quelle est pour […]

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Sunny Saturday, rain and cold Sunday in Lorient

Weather in Lorient: Sunny Saturday, Cold and Rain on Sunday

WEEKEND WEATHER: Changeable weekend for Lorient, with a lovely sunny Saturday, but colder on Sunday The anticyclone focused from Scandinavia to Brittany will generate a descent of cold air altitude across Lorient. Saturday 13th April, 2019 Rare mists and feeling of cold at dawn moving towards a sunny morning and mid-day despite fine sails of […]

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Weekend weather forecast for Lorient

The Weather in Lorient: Spring Saturday, Stormy Sunday

WEEKEND WEATHER: The forecast for the weekend in Lorient is for a nice springlike Saturday, but a stormy episode on Sunday … The central Atlantic anticyclone with Central Europe blocks the oceanic disturbed flow. The weekend of March 30th and 31st, 2019, the sun will be generous in the area of Lorient, before a stormy episode […]

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Gusts of wind and rain are expected for this weekend in Lorient

The weather in Lorient: High Gusts of Wind on Sunday Afternoon

WEEKEND WEATHER: The Atlantic current is significantly strengthened over the weekend in Lorient, with the arrival of a storm on Sunday 3rd March The weather over the weekend will change from the recent warm temperatures and sunshine, with the arrival of the Atlantic current, which is significantly strengthened over the weekend in Lorient, with the arrival […]

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The weather in Lorient will be nice and warm this weekend

Weather in Lorient: Generous Sun Shine and Spring Temperatures this Weekend

WEEKEND WEATHER: The weekend forecast for Lorient and the surrounding area, promises plenty of sunshine and spring like temperatures … The weather for Lorient, on Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th February 2019, the central European anticyclone blocks the active disturbed flow in the Atlantic center. As a result, the sun will often be visible in Lorient […]

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Spring like temperatures expected in Brittany

Weather:Spring Temperatures Expected in Brittany, up to 20° C This Week

Temperatures will rise from Thursday, February 21st until the end of the weekend. In Brittany, they should know the season’s records Spring arrives early in Brittany . The region will experience exceptional temperatures for the season starting Thursday 21st February. These weather conditions should be maintained until the end of the month. While regional averages for February are between 9 ° C for Lower Brittany […]

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"Act 14" Yellow Vests. Between 1,500 and 2,000 people demonstrate in Pontivy

“Act 14” Yellow Vests: Between 1,500 and 2,000 People Demonstrate in Pontivy

Between 1500 and 2000 yellow vests are on parade in Pontivy (Morbihan), this Saturday 16th February, since 2 pm, for their 6th regional meeting. Important security measures were taken in this city of Central Brittany, after the clashes found during the demonstration in Lorient, Saturday 9th February, which led to ten arrests and made a slight […]

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Feeling almost like spring and worthy of a month of April, this weekend in Lorient

The Weather in Lorient: Spring Like Saturday, Cloudy on Sunday

WEEKEND WEATHER: The weather for the weekend in and around Lorient will have the feel of April instead of February … The weather for the weekend in and around Lorient will have the feel of April instead of February.  With the anticyclone retreating towards Central Europe, generating the arrival on Sunday of a weak front.  […]

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Gusts of wind and heavy rain are expected in Lorient for this weekend

The Weather in Lorient: Stormy Bursts and Heavy Rain Saturday Night

WEEKEND WEATHER: Disturbed conditions are forecast for Lorient over the weekend The arrival of an active depression on Brittany will generate very disturbed conditions in and around Lorient over the Weekend. Saturday Misty at dawn preceding a very cloudy morning morning before the arrival of a new disturbance. By midday, the front generates rains first weak. In […]

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Yellow Vests protesters are planning an event on Saturday in Lorient

Yellow vests: A Regional Gathering in Lorient on Saturday

Saturday 9th February, 2019, the coordination of the Yellow Vests of Brittany calls for a regional gathering for the 13th weekend of demonstration in Lorient. The appointment is fixed from 2pm in front of the Cité de la voile, at the Base of the submarines. Saturday 9th February, the Yellow Vests Breton meet in Lorient, at […]

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