Arrests made in Fontaine-Couverte for Drug Trafficking

Fontaine-Couverte: Arrests for Drug Trafficking

Fifteen soldiers from the Gendarmerie of Mayenne have arrested three persons accused of drug trafficking. They reside in Fontaine-Couverte and Erbrée (Ille-et-Vilaine). Fifteen soldiers from the Gendarmerie of Mayenne have arrested three persons accused of drug trafficking. They reside in Fontaine-Couverte and Erbrée (Ille-et-Vilaine). The three alleged perpetrators of trafficking are two men and a […]

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The now former student of Estaca in Laval had used a "killer USB" key.

Laval: He had “Grilled” 90 Computers, the Student Permanently Expelled

The disciplinary board of the engineering school Estaca in Laval has permanently expelled the student who had destroyed by playing nearly 90 computers in October, 2016. “The student had passed in no time disciplinary board after it was discovered that he was the perpetrator,”  said this Monday, 9th January by the engineering school Estaca based in […]

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The accident occurred on the D125 linking Vaiges Chammes.

A Motorist Injured Sunday Night in Vaiges

A motorist from Saint-Jean-sur-Erve was slightly injured Sunday night on 8th January occurred in Vaiges accident. The accident occurred on Sunday 8th January at 7.50pm, in the town of Vaiges in the Mayenne department. A motorist driving on the D125 (roads connecting Vaiges and Chammes) lost control of his vehicle for an unexplained reason. The […]

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Grey skies and possible rain in the Mayenne department

Weather in Mayenne: Grey and Possible Rain on Sunday

A dreary Sunday with cloudy skies and possible drizzle here and there throughout the day in the Mayenne department. We should gain a few degrees this Sunday, 8th January compared to Saturday. Temperatures announced by Meteo France is expected to be between 4 degrees and 6 degrees, an improvement over the last few days when we […]

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Weather: Flakes, Ice and Freezing Fog in the West 1

Weather: Flakes, Ice and Freezing Fog in the West

This time, that’s it, winter is here. Zero temperatures, freezing fog, sleet and light snowflakes cover the cities, roads and countryside this Friday morning. Cover up, if you do a little walk in white. Ille-et-Vilaine Surprise in some streets of Rennes this morning, residents discovered that he had fallen a few flakes during this very […]

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Cooler temperatures but sunny is forecast for the Mayenne, this Tuesday

Cooler weather but the sun this Tuesday in Mayenne

This Tuesday, December 27th in Mayenne, the weather will be colder with freezing temperatures often in the morning. But the sky is often bright. This Tuesday, December 27th in Mayenne, the weather forecast from Meteo France is relatively stable, with negative temperatures on the northern half of the department at daybreak. They will rise to […]

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All the results of the western France clubs in the CFA and CFA2

Football: Results of the CFA and CFA2 Matches

All the results of the day and evening football matches in the CFA and CFA2.  There was a good result by Saint-Malo, winner against the reserve team of Rennes. In the CFA, there was a good result by Saint-Malo, winner against the reserve team of Rennes. The 12th day of the championship in the CFA2 was somewhat disrupted by fog […]

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Fog and wild boars have caused many accidents over the weekend in the Mayenne

Fog and Boars have been the Cause of Accidents in Mayenne

Beware of fog. It has been the cause of several accidents in Mayenne, especially with animals, this Saturday, 10thDecember and Sunday 11th … Fog and animals on the road have been the cause of many accidents in Mayenne this weekend of 10th and 11th December. Last Saturday at 6.48pm, a car slid on the road, […]

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