The telephone operator Free, was searched more than other operators for 2015

Free is the most Searched Telephone Operator on the Internet in 2015

The name of the subsidiary of Iliad was typed into Google 110,310 times a month … Free is the mobile operator usually entered into the Google search engine in France in 2015. 110 310 searches were conducted each month for the company founded by Xavier Niel, against 100.400 for Orange and SFR to 67.100. In […]

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30 communes in the Pyrenees, to be connected

Midi-Pyrenees: 30 Communes “Cut off from the World” Connected by End of 2016

With 30 towns without Internet or mobile phone, the region is the second in France that the largest number of white areas. They should be covered end of 2016 … What is the common point between the small town of high-garonnais Montberaud, with a population of 216, and the even smaller village Clapier, in Aveyron? […]

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