The coronavirus pathogen survives nine hours on the skin

Coronavirus: The Pathogen Survives Nine Hours on the Skin

According to a Japanese study, the coronavirus is inactivated within 15 seconds by the application of ethanol Those who still doubt the usefulness of barrier gestures, such as avoiding shaking hands, will have in this study a counter-argument to their position. According to Japanese researchers, the coronavirus remains active on the skin for nine hours. The study published this […]

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Amazon's distribution centers remain closed until Wednesday, April 22, 2020 inclusive.

Amazon Extends Closure of Distribution Centres

While their activity was initially to be suspended until Monday 20th April 2020, Amazon has announced that it will extend the closure of its distribution centres for two days. Amazon will not resume service immediately. Sentenced Tuesday 14th April 2020 by the court of Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine) to deliver only essential products (food, medical and hygiene), the giant of […]

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Bruno Le Maire announces price limits for hydroalcoholic gels

Coronavirus: Bruno Le Maire Announces Price Limits for Hydroalcoholic Gels

EASY MONEY: The prices of these handwashing gels have sometimes increased wildly in response to demand because of the fears of coronavirus A decree will be taken Wednesday to regulate the prices of hydroalcoholic gels after “isolated cases” of “unacceptable prices” against the background of the coronavirus crisis, said Wednesday the Minister of Economy Bruno Le Maire. “I announce to you that […]

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A surprise object found in the butter in the Lorraine

Lorraine: A “Surprise” in the Butter

Sunday in Sarrebourg, Lorraine, a man made a strange discovery in his piece of butter. He found a foreign body rather surprising. Sunday morning, while he was taking his breakfast, a resident of Sarrebourg in Lorraine made an unusual discovery, reports Le Républicain Lorrain . Opening his butter to prepare sandwiches, he found something that […]

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Mcdonalds in nantes closed due to food poisoning

Nantes: McDonalds Closed after the Poisoning of Several Customers

A check by the Direction de la protection des populations, resulted in the closure of McDonalds in Commerce Square. This is one of the busiest restaurants in the city centre of Nantes. But since Thursday, the door of McDonald’s is closed. A decision by the prefecture of Loire-Atlantique, which has issued an order on Thursday in that […]

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