Emmanuel Macron Monday evening at the Elysée

One Hundred Days “to Act” … The Essence of Emmanuel Macron’s Speech

RECAP: The President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron spoke in a speech this Monday evening at 8 p.m. Emmanuel Macron spoke during a thirteen-minute speech on Monday evening to try to close the “sequence” of the pension reform. An intervention during which the President of the Republic did not make any big announcements – it was expected – but […]

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Bruno Le Maire tested ChatGPT AI to write a speech on China

ChatGPT: Bruno Le Maire Tested AI to Write a Speech on China

TECHNOLOGICAL PROWESS: The Minister of Economy, Bruno Le Maire is fascinated by ChatGPT ChatGPT fascinates even the Minister of Economy. And if we are to believe Bruno Le Maire, the artificial intelligence created by OpenAI could even write political speeches. Questioned by Cmedia on France 5 this Sunday, the Minister of the Economy admitted to having tested ChatGPT to write a speech on China. “I tested, […]

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Olivier Véran assures that there will be no "retirement" for "pension reforms"

Pension Reform: Olivier Véran Assures That There will be no “Retirement” for “Reforms”

CRISIS: In the “JDD”, the government spokesperson explains that we “cannot let the idea take hold that violence would be a justifiable or understandable reaction” Despite the blockages and the challenge, the executive does not want to consider immobility. Government spokesman Olivier Véran ensures that the executive will continue to roll out a “rearranged” roadmap. “The pension reform does […]

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Emmanuel Macron during his television interview

Pension Reform: Emmanuel Macron Regrets Nothing

RECAP: The President of the Republic spoke to the French on the news of TF1 and France 2 on the pension reform The President of the Republic wanted to dot the “i” and “clarify” things. The pension reform “will continue on its democratic path”, insisted Emmanuel Macron, interviewed on Wednesday on the news of TF1 and France 2 live. Having […]

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Police have banned Pension Reform protests from parts of Paris

Pension Reform: Gatherings at Place de la Concorde in Paris Banned by the Police

PROTESTS: More than 300 people were arrested on Thursday and Friday following clashes at Place de la Concorde, where people had gathered to demonstrate against the pension reform Gatherings in Place de la Concorde, as well as on the Champs-Elysées, were banned on Saturday by the Paris police headquarters. The day before and the day before, in Paris, […]

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Pension reform: Emmanuel Macron has chosen to use 49.3

Pension Reform: Emmanuel Macron Has Chosen to Use 49.3

DEMOCRACY: A Council of Ministers convened urgently validated this choice Did Emmanuel Macron cross the Rubicon? After a tense morning, during which summit meetings followed one another, the Head of State decided to use Article 49.3 of the Constitution to pass his pension reform without a vote in the Assembly. A Council of Ministers was convened urgently a few minutes before the […]

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The unions have asked Tuesday evening to be "received urgently" by Emmanuel Macron "so that he withdraws his reform" from pensions

Strike of 7th March: Two New Days of Mobilisation Announced, the Unions Want to See Macron “Urgently”

PROTESTS: The Unions asked Tuesday evening to be “received urgently” by Emmanuel Macron “so that he withdraws his reform” from pensions The main unions asked Tuesday evening to be “received urgently” by Emmanuel Macron “so that he withdraws his pension reform” from pensions and announced two new days of mobilization on Saturday and next week. “The […]

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Record number of protestors against the pension reform in Paris

Pension Reform: The CGT announces 700,000 Demonstrators in Paris

PENSION REFORM: The CGT announces 700,000 Demonstrators in Paris against the pension reform, Which Would be a Record Participation The mobilization against the proposed pension reform by the government is up compared to the last day of mobilization, on the 16th February 2023, during which the cabinet Occurrence had identified 33,000 demonstrators in the capital. […]

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With 32% of French people satisfied, Macron's popularity at its lowest for three years

Poll: With 32% of French People Satisfied, Macron’s Popularity at its Lowest for Three Years

BAROMETER At 29% favourable opinions, Elisabeth Borne recorded her lowest level since joining Matignon last May. While France is animated by the conflict over the pension reform, the popularity rating of the executive continues to crumble. That of Emmanuel Macron thus sank by two points in February to reach its lowest level in three years, with 32% of French people […]

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Strike of February 16: With the pension reform, is the CFDT becoming radicalized?

Strike of February 16th: With the Pension Reform, is the CFDT Becoming Radicalized?

UNION: The CFDT is showing great firmness in the face of the pension reform carried out by the government, far from its attitude during the precedent of 2019 or during the term of Hollande. A turning point for the reformist union? The CFDT, a union traditionally seen as reformist and conciliatory with the government, strongly opposes […]

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