27 interceptions at road checks by gendarmes in Sarthe

Checks in Sarthe: They Drove from 20 to 40 km/h too quickly, 27 People Intercepted by the Gendarmes

The gendarmes were conducting checks on the roads of the Sarthe this Saturday 6th July. In two hours, they have verbalised 27 people for speeding from 20 to 40 km/h. Saturday 6th July 2019, the first day of the great departures on vacation of the summer, the gendarmes of the Sarthe led road checks controls on the roads of the department. Objective: “to […]

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Speed checks announced in the Sarthe

The Map of Speed Checks in Sarthe from Monday 8th to Tuesday 9th July

The gendarmes announced some speed checks on Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th July 2019 in Sarthe. Discover our interactive map. The gendarmes of the Sarthe “in the context of the fight against road insecurity”, communicate on some checks conducted on the roads of the department on Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th July 2019 . Monday, July 8 The gendarmes […]

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A 157 km / h, they were racing on a road limited to 50 km /h in Sète

Sète: At 157 km/h, they Raced on a Road with a Speed Limit of 50 km/h

EXCESSIVE SPEED: Their driving licenses were removed on the spot, caught speeding at Sète Two young men aged 21 were arrested at the wheel of their respective cars during the Pentecost weekend. They were engaged in a race on a road limited to a speed of 50 km/h. The first was caught at 157 km/h, the second at […]

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The convoy was intercepted at the Lançon-de-Provence toll. in Bouches-du-Rhône

Bouches-du-Rhône: Stacks a Car and a Truck on Another Truck and Takes the Highway

This bold highway carrier was arrested in Lançon-de-Provence near Bouches-du-Rhône by the gendarmes A driver had the astonishing idea of ​​loading a truck and a car on his truck before taking the highway. He was arrested recently at the toll of Laçon-de-Provence by the gendarmes. On their Facebook page, they recount the arrest of this amazing convoy, with this comment: “when the […]

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The free party took place on the night of Saturday 6 to Sunday 7 April 2019, in Izernay (Maine-et-Loire).

Free Party in the Maine-et-Loire: 60 Cars Verbalised and 17 Licenses Removed

250 people gathered last weekend in a forest located in the town of Yzernay (Maine-et-Loire). Legal proceedings are open against the organiser. A legal proceeding was opened against the organiser of a free party, a 21-year-old Angevin, on the night of Saturday 6th to Sunday 7th April, 2019 in Yzernay , near Cholet (Maine-et-Loire) . 250 people gathered at the height of the […]

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Sarthe Gendarmes caught motorist speeding at 177 km/h

Big Speeding in Sarthe: A Sixty Year Old at 177 km/h instead of 90!

It is a big speeding that the gendarmes of La Ferté-Bernard noted, Monday 8th April in Sarthe: a sixty year old was driving at 177 km/h instead of 90 on a departmental road! Very big speeding, yesterday, Monday , April 8, 2019 , late morning, in the Sarthe . The gendarmes of the La Ferté-Bernard platoon in the Sarthe caught a motorist travelling at 177 km/h instead of […]

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The gendarmes trapped and arrested a 57-year-old man who was sentenced to 18 months in prison.

Toulouse: A Sexual Predator Tracking Down a Girl on the Internet Trapped by the Gendarmes

On Monday 25th March, 2019, a 57-year-old man was arrested by the gendarmes specialised in cybercrime. This sexual predator was sentenced Wednesday 27th March to 18 months in prison. A 57-year-old man was sentenced by the Toulouse Criminal Court on Wednesday, March 27, 2019, to 18 months in prison with a warrant of committal. According to La Dépêche du Midi , which reports […]

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In front of driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics, it is the speeding gendarmes found on the roads of the Oise, last weekend

Normandy: 35 Driving Licenses Withdrawn from August 10th to 12th on the Roads of Oise

More than half of these driving licenses withdrawn in the Oise, result in particular, from driving under the influence of drugs or under the influence of narcotics. While on the week of August 6th to 12th, 2018, still four serious accidents were found on the roads of the department of Oise, the mobilisation of the police force was […]

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Planned Speed control checks in the Sarthe from August 13th

The Map of Speed Controls in the Sarthe from August 13th to 16th, 2018

The gendarmes announced several planned speed checks on the roads of Sarthe from the 13th August, 2018. This week will be even more conducive to travel on the roads thanks to the public holiday of Wednesday 15th August. The gendarmes will remain mobilized and announce some of their speed checks. Here are the sectors concerned […]

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Biker caught speeding at 248km/h in the Maine-et-Loire

Drunk, the Biker was Driving at 248 km/h instead of 110 in Maine-et-Loire

Near Saumur, in the Maine-et-Loire, the gendarmes intercepted a 26-year-old biker who was driving, alcoholic, at a speed of 248 km/h on a limited portion of 110. Permit withdrawn, motorcycle confiscated. At 248 km / h instead of 110! On the occasion of the first major departures on vacation, the gendarmes of Maine-et-Loire intercepted a biker who was driving […]

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