Fuel shortages should ease after CGT union calls for a return to normal

Fuel: The CGT Announces a Return to Normal on Thursday

After six days of strikes that have dried up several hundred service stations in France, the spokesman of the CGT federation of transport announced on Thursday morning that the supply of Fuel should resume on Thursday. Fabrice Michaud, spokesman of the CGT federation for transport, said Thursday morning that “the recovery” of labor in the fuel depots […]

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Unions to meet the minister of Transport over fuel crisis

Fuel: Unions meet the Ministry of Transport on Wednesday

The Minister of Transport, Elizabeth Borne, organizes this Wednesday a meeting with the unions of the drivers transporting hazardous materials in the heart of a social movement which leads to fuel shortages in Île-de-France. The government has confirmed that they have had discussions on Wednesday the trade unions to discuss the situation of the strike by […]

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Fuel shortages are increasing in France as the Strike by tanker drivers continues

Fuel: Sixth day of strike of Tanker Drivers, 850 affected stations

Employees of road transport of hazardous materials (fuel, gas, chemicals …) begin their sixth day of strike for better recognition of the profession. Wednesday morning, more than 800 petrol stations were affected by the move, including 429 in total shortage. Truck drivers transporting hazardous materials (fuels, gas …) were beginning Wednesday in the Ile de France […]

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If the strike continues, it could lead to supply problems because gas stations have a range of three days, said the CGT.

Fuel Tankers Strike: Should we Fear a Shortage?

The CGT called for an unlimited strike of drivers of hazardous materials (fuel, gas, chemicals …) from Friday. According to the union, a majority of drivers are on strike this Friday in Ile-de-France. If this strike, triggered full weekend of Ascension continues, it could lead to supply problems but the UFIP (French Union of Petroleum Industries) is […]

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Petrol station closed on the edge of Nantes due to a fuel spillage

Nantes: Slight Leakage of Fuel, the Gas Station Closed Temporarily

A security perimeter was established around the Carrefour service station on the edge of Nantes at Saint-Herblain. An overflow of oil from the tanker forced the temporary closure of the pumps … A security perimeter was established around the Carrefour service station on the edge of Nantes at Saint-Herblain. An overflow of oil from the tanker […]

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Not all Petrol Stations are following the quotas set by the Loire-Atlantique Prefect

Fuel: The Quotas Imposed by the Prefect not always Respected

The prefect issued an order limiting the sale of fuel to motorists. Some stations play the game, others take liberties and deliver the full. Due to the fuel shortage, the prefect of Loire-Atlantique has taken measures this Friday noon limiting the sale of fuel to motorists.  The decree imposes quotas: up to 20 litres per vehicle […]

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