Bitcoin is the most famous of the virtual currencies.

Bitcoin Price Approaches All-Time High of $20,000

CRYPTOCURRENCY: The previous bitcoin record was reached on the 18th December 2017, at $ 19,511 The price of Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency decentralized than Monday’s 19.800 dollars for the first time since its inception eleven years ago, boosted by its use more widespread and the appetite of the market risk. At around 3:20 p.m. GMT, the price of bitcoin […]

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In the meantime, small traders have set up Click & Collect, as here in Rueil-Malmaison, in the Hauts-de-Seine.

Confinement: Traders Want to be Able to Open “Every Sunday” in December

CORONAVIRUS: In an open letter to Emmanuel Macron, federations of traders claim “the possibility of opening every Sunday” in December, while the head of state is to announce Tuesday an adaptation of the rules of confinement After the announcement of the postponement of “Black Friday” , several federations of traders asked this Saturday in an open letter to Emmanuel […]

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Despite the confinement, the Gifi stores in Seine-Maritime are still open.

Action, Babou, Gifi … In Full Confinement, Why These Stores are Open in Seine-Maritime

To the astonishment of consumers, the Gifi, Babou and Foir’Fouille stores are open in Seine-Maritime in this second confinement. Is it legal? We take stock. It is a total blur. Since Friday, October 30, 2020, the date of the second confinement, stores that are colloquially called “discount stores”  such as Gifi, Babou, Action, Foir’Fouille etc. are open, to the amazement of consumers. Those installed in […]

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What happens when a country cancels its debt

What Happens When You Cancel a Country’s Debt

A debt, in principle, is repaid. But since the French Revolution, examples of debt cancellation abound. And the health crisis could provide new ones. If you are lucky enough to have gone for a drink with your friends before the curfew, perhaps you participated in the now-classic debate: “Should we focus on health or the economy ?” And in this counter debate, […]

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These equity loans, announced by Bruno Le Maire, are intended for companies which have "real potential for a rebound, but which were penalised by a loss-making operation during the year"

Coronavirus: Bruno Le Maire Announces 20 Billion Euros to Strengthen Companies’ Equity

ECONOMIC CRISIS: These equity loans, announced by Bruno Le Maire, are intended for companies which have “real potential for a rebound, but which were penalised by a loss-making operation during the year” The Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire announced Monday that EUR 20 billion would be devoted to strengthening the equity capital of companies through equity loans distributed by banks that […]

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China is showing growth in the economy in Q3

Coronavirus: China Records Growth Rebounds to 4.9% in Q3

REPRISE: In the first quarter the GDP of China had collapsed by 6.8% While the economic crisis, a consequence of the coronavirus, shakes all the countries of the world, the figures from China give hope to the prospects of a rapid return to normal. The Chinese economy indeed experienced a rebound of 4.9% over one year in the third quarter, […]

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500,000 Ouigo tickets at 19 € an exceptional offer on September 2 and 3

500,000 Train Tickets at 19 € with Ouigo to Travel Cheaper This Autumn

Ouigo is selling half a million train tickets at an unbeatable price: 19 €, enough to think about this return to his next vacation. From this morning 6:00 am and until tomorrow evening, Ouigo offers no less than 500,000 tickets at 19 €. The operator intends to boost the attractiveness of the train for French women and […]

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Back to school allowance will be paid to families from August 4th

The Back-to-School Allowance, Revalued by 100 Euros, will be Paid from August 4th

PURCHASING POWER: More than three million families with modest incomes will benefit from this school allowance A boost needed for more than three million families. The back-to-school allowance, “exceptionally” with an additional 100 euros this year , will be paid on August 4 in Réunion and Mayotte, then on August 18 in mainland France and in other overseas departments […]

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The price of gold soars to new levels

Gold Soars and Hits Historic Records

Coronavirus pandemic, China-U.S. Tensions and depreciation of the dollar are more than ever prompting investors to buy gold Faced with the coronavirus pandemic and Sino-American tensions, the yellow metal is aptly named as a safe haven. The gold price thus reached a new record level on Monday, also helped by the depreciation of the dollar. An ounce was trading at […]

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New rail transport plan by SNCF after coronavirus crisis

Deconfinement: The SNCF and the Regions want you to Take the TER this Summer with 2 Million Tickets from 1 to 10 Euros

RAIL TRANSPORT: A way to revive rail transport, hit hard by the coronavirus crisis “We will make you prefer the train”. This well-known SNCF slogan is being brought up to date, the sector having been hit hard by the coronavirus crisis. Associated with the eleven regions which manage regional rail transport, the railway company launches the ”  TER de France” operation, a story of “restoring […]

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