Pension reform: after FO, the CGT in the street

Pension Reform: After FO, the CGT in the Streets

After the liberal professions or the RATP, the CGT calls to protest this Tuesday 24th September 2019, against the pension reform. Disturbances are expected at SNCF. After lawyers, doctors, pilots, nurses, the RATP or Force Ouvrière (FO), it is the turn of the CGT to march Tuesday 24th September 2019 throughout France against the future pension reform, for which the government takes now […]

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A poster of tour operator Thomas Cook at Gatwick Airport in London

Thomas Cook: British Tour Operator Goes Bankrupt

ECONOMY: The authorities will have to organize massive repatriation of some 600.000 tourists in the world who have travelled with Thomas Cook British tour operator Thomas Cook announced on Monday that it was going bankrupt after failing over the weekend to find the necessary funds for its survival, and will go into “immediate liquidation”. The authorities will have to […]

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Seventeen "small" taxes will disappear by 2021, announced Bercy

Seventeen “Small” Taxes will Disappear by 2021

BUDGET: These taxes are judged to be low yield They concern driving licenses, vaping products or food trucks and will soon no longer exist. Seventeen taxes deemed low yield will disappear by 2021, said Wednesday the Ministry of Economy and Finance, confirming information Le Figaro. In detail, 13 taxes will disappear next year and four more in 2021. Less than 100 million […]

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In the Vendée, uncertainty for the future at the Michelin factory

Vendée: Uncertainty for 620 Michelin Employees

Threat on the Michelin factory in La Roche-sur-Yon. Despite the improved economic and industrial performance, the site is losing production volumes. And fear the worst. At the request of the unions, the diagnoses of each Michelin business site will be communicated to employees this weekend. In La Roche-sur-Yon (Vendée), worries rose in a niche as production fell sharply. One can even imagine […]

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Yellow Vests demand an immediate freezing of fuel prices

Fuel Prices: “Yellow Vests” Demand “Immediate Freezing” of Prices

FUEL PRICES: The surge in oil prices following the attack on facilities in Saudi Arabia raises fears of a rapid rise in fuel prices at the pump Faced with the possible surge in oil prices , following the attack on facilities in Saudi Arabia, the collective ”  Yellow Vests citizens” called Tuesday for an “immediate freeze” of fuel […]

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750 million euros for emergencies: the 12 measures proposed by the government

750 Million Euros for Emergencies: 12 Measures Proposed by the Government

On Monday 9th September 2019, Health Minister Agnès Buzyn detailed a vast plan for emergency services on strike for almost six months, Accused by the unprecedented strike affecting the emergency services for nearly six months, the Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn detailed Monday 9th September 2019 a “refoundation pact” of 750 million euros over three years, but not providing […]

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After a gloomy start to the year, tourists return to France

Tourism in France: Attendance Up After a Gloomy Start to the Year due to “Yellow Vests”

REBOUND: Tourist attendance across France has increased, all types of accommodation combined, both thanks to foreign customers and that of the French Tourist attendance rebounded in the second quarter in France, all types of accommodation combined, after a decline early in the year related to the social movement of ” yellow vests  “, which had particularly affected the Ile-de-France, according to the […]

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HSBC Bank pays 300 million euros to close a money laundering investigation

HSBC Bank Pays 300 Million Euros to Close a Money Laundering Investigation

In Belgium, the Swiss branch of the HSBC bank, suspected of helping hundreds of customers to deceive the state, has agreed to pay a record fine in the country. The Swiss subsidiary of HSBC Bank has accepted in Belgium a financial penalty of nearly 300 million euros to close a criminal investigation opened in 2014 for “serious tax […]

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La Poste: The Price of Red and Green Stamps will Increase by 10% in 2020 1

La Poste: The Price of Red and Green Stamps will Increase by 10% in 2020

La Poste has announced that the red stamp will increase from 1.05 to 1.16 euro, and the green stamp, the most used, from 88 to 97 euro cents, from 1st January 2020. On 1st January 2020, the rates of mail (+ 4.7%) and packages (+ 2%) will further increase at La Poste. “Tariff adjustments”, explains the group in a statement: “This evolution makes […]

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