A ferry diverted to Cherbourg because of a strike action in Saint-Malo

Ille-et-Vilaine: A Ferry Diverted to Cherbourg Because of a Strike Action in Saint-Malo

STRIKE ACTION: Around thirty dockers received their letter of dismissal in July from the company Saint-Malo Manutention (SMM) which will be liquidated without recovery. A ferry connecting Portsmouth to Saint-Malo, carrying more than 500 people, mostly British, could not dock this Monday morning in the normal port of Saint-Malo because of strike action, we learned from the shipping company […]

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In announcing the Brexit, Guernsey suspended access to fishing areas within the 6-12 mile perimeter around the island. The fishermen of Cherbourg counter-attack!

Brexit: After Guernsey Decision, Cherbourg Fishermen Threaten to Block Landing

In announcing the Brexit, Guernsey suspended access to fishing areas within the 6-12 mile perimeter around the island. The fishermen of Cherbourg counter-attack! Tensions about fishing in Anglo-Norman waters. On Saturday, the government of Guernsey temporarily suspended access to fishing areas located within the 6-12 mile perimeter around the island. If the first political reactions were reassuring, the Cherbourg fishermen […]

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A Threatening Sky for the Manche

Weather: A Threatening Sky in the Manche

After a restless night with thunderstorms and strong winds, the sky should remain threatening much of the day in the Manche. When there’s more … well there’s still … After the torrential rains last night, the storms and the wind this night, it’s again a day punctuated by the rain and the wind that awaits us in the Manche, according to Meteo […]

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The largest blade in the world was loaded on the Symphony Space, on the port of Cherbourg

The Largest Wind Turbine Blade in the World Leaves Cherbourg

A 107-metre-long wind turbine blade, manufactured at the LM Wind Power plant, today sailed on a freighter to reach England for testing. The LM Wind Power plant in Cherbourg has just reached a new stage in the commissioning process of the largest offshore wind turbine in the world. On the port of Cherbourg , a blade of 107 meters long was […]

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Man arrested in Cherbourg for being drunk and no driving license

Cherbourg: A Man Arrested in a State of Drunkenness … and Without a Driving License

On the night of Sunday to Monday, in Cherbourg, a man was arrested around 1 am by the police. He was drunk and did not have a driver’s license … In the night from Sunday to Monday, around 1 am, the police intercepted a motorist who was lurching rue du Val-de-Saire,  Cherbourg . The man was drunk, with a rate […]

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In Cherbourg, three people dead including two children

Cherbourg: Three Dead including Two Children, an Inter-Family Murder

FIRE: A burnt body, mother in Shock, two children dead, a third child is in a “very serious but stable” state Three people, including two children , died this Saturday in  Cherbourg  in an apartment where firefighters intervened for a fire. On their arrival, the firefighters discovered “three children, wounded by knives and having lost consciousness”, and “in the room […]

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Cruise ship of the company P & O Cruises, Oceana will dock at Cherbourg-en-Cotentin this Wednesday 9th January

The Oceana Stops This Week in Cherbourg

After the Queen Elizabeth on Wednesday 2nd January, the second stopover of 2019 will see the Oceana docking in Cherbourg this Wednesday 9th January. After the Queen Elisabeth last Wednesday 2nd January, Cherbourg-en-Cotentin will welcome the ocean liner Oceana from P & O Cruises on Wednesday 9th January at the Quai de France from 8 am […]

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with Brexit, Brittany Ferries has increased freight traffic

Brexit: Brittany Ferries Increases Freight Traffic from Le Havre, Cherbourg and Roscoff

To avoid the risk of congestion in the “Brexit” scenario, Brittany Ferries is increasing its freight capacity by 50% in three French ports, including Le Havre. The announcement follows an agreement with the British Ministry of Transport. To prevent the risk of monster truck plugs before boarding for the United Kingdom in the event of a ”  hard Brexit “, the shipping company Brittany Ferries announced […]

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There were people to welcome and congratulate Lauriane Bonnamant on the arrival of her crossing

Crossing the Channel: Lauriane Bonnamant Explains her Achievement

Lauriane Bonnamant is happy, and she can be: she has managed to swim across the English Channel, which she accomplished in exactly 11 hours and 12 minutes. A time to stand on the beach of Audinghen (Pas-de-Calais), both feet well anchored in the sand, and raise the arms in the air to stop the clock, that Lauriane Bonnamant from Cherbourg, went this Tuesday […]

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The association Cherbourg Local Motive, chaired by Alain Rosette (center), has just launched a petition.

Cherbourg: Petition Launched to “Save the City Centre”

“Aidez-nous à sauver le centre-ville de Cherbourg-en-Cotentin”: this is the name of the petition launched by the association Cherbourg Local Motive. The association Cherbourg Local Project has just launched a petition for residents, traders, and users of downtown Cherbourg. It denounces the removal of parking spaces over the years, with an impact that it considers important in the economic, real […]

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