The Centre-Val-de-Loire region now has 128 Confirmed Coronavirus cases

Centre-Val-de-Loire: 128 Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus in the Region

Coronavirus: The regional health agency (ARS) Centre-Val-de-Loire has updated patients affected by Covid-19 on its territory. They are 128 confirmed cases. The regional health agency ( ARS ) Centre-Val-de-Loire published its daily report of confirmed victims of Coronavirus Wednesday 18th March 2020 in the evening. There are now 128 patients with Covid-19, one of whom died on Tuesday 17th March 2020. This is twenty-five more than […]

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Yellow vests banned from protesting in the centre of Bourges

Yellow Vests: Prohibited Gatherings in the Centre of Bourges by the Prefect of Cher

On the Facebook page held by the collective “La France en colère”, 2700 people announced their participation in the rally in Bourges and 13 000 said they were interested. It was a new idea of ​​yellow vests: moving the epicenter of the movement to the “center of France”, in the city of Bourges precisely, for the act […]

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Saturday, June 9, 2018, 24 departments are placed in orange alert for thunderstorms by Meteo France

Thunderstorms: 24 Departments Placed on Orange Alert

Saturday 9th June, 2018, Meteo France has placed 24 departments on orange alert for thunderstorms. These should intensify in the late morning. The sky will continue to scold Saturday 9th June, 2018. From Brittany, Normandy , through the Pays de la Loire and Gironde, Meteo France has placed 24 departments on orange alert for thunderstorms. Yesterday already, eight departments were concerned. In its latest weather report, it […]

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42 departments are on orange alert for severe thunderstorms

Severe Thunderstorms: 42 Departments on Orange Alert, Record Number of Lightning Strikes in May

This Wednesday, Meteo France has placed 42 departments of Aquitaine to the Grand est on orange alert because of violent thunderstorms expected at the end of the day. 42 departments of Aquitaine, Occitanie, central France and North-East were placed in orange alert for severe storms and thunderstorms.  The episode is expected at the end of the day, […]

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39 departments are on Orange Alert for Thunderstorms

Violent Thunderstorms: 39 Departments in Orange Alert

This Wednesday morning, Meteo France has placed 39 departments from Aquitaine to the Grand Est on alert because of violent thunderstorms expected at the end of the day. New alert to violent storms . 39 departments of Aquitaine, Occitania, central France and the North-East were placed in orange alert . The episode is expected at the end of the day, this […]

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28 departments are still on orange alert for snow and ice

Snow and Ice: 28 Departments Still on Orange Alert

The cold intensified on Tuesday and affects almost half of France, with snow and ice in Paris. 28 departments are on orange alert for snow and ice. The onslaught of winter intensifies this Tuesday 6th February and affects almost half of France, with snow and ice in the Paris region , and freezing temperatures that led 22 departments to […]

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Meteo France has placed 17 departments on Orange Alert for thunderstorms and rain

Thunderstorms: Seventeen Departments Placed on Orange Alert

WEATHER: Seventeen departments, from the Ile-de-France to Corrèze, have been placed on Orange Alert and are affected by this stormy episode … Météo-France  extends its call for vigilance. The agency placed the seventeen departments in orange alert Sunday due to strong thunderstorms expected in the evening and at night. The departments concerned are Paris and the inner suburbs, Yvelines, Seine-et-Marne, […]

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Meteo France have placed 33 departments on Orange alert

Winds and Storms: A Storm in Western and Central France

33 departments of the northwest to the Paris basin are now placed in orange alert for Sunday afternoon, issued by Meteo France. Vigilance has however been lifted for four departments: Calvados, Manche, Orne and Sarthe. Météo-France has placed an orange alert on an additional nine departments Sunday afternoon, bringing to 33 the total number of […]

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Meteo France has placed 21 departments on Orange Alert

Snow and Ice Warning: 21 Departments on Orange Alert

Météo France has placed 21 departments on orange alert because of freezing rain, snow and ice in the night from Saturday to Sunday. It is expected in Maine-et-Loire, Sarthe and northern France on Sunday morning through to the Île-de-France. 21 departments have just been placed on orange alert because of a risk of freezing rain, […]

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Storm Leiv hits the Atlantic Coast with high winds and rain

Storm Leiv Hits the Atlantic Coast

As expected, the storm Leiv began to hit on Saturday morning,on the Atlantic coast and mainly focused on three departments, Charente, Charente-Maritime and Gironde which are on Red Alert for “winds”. The weather system of exceptional power could cause major damage in several places along the Atlantic coast. The warning of high winds is also […]

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