If the strike continues, it could lead to supply problems because gas stations have a range of three days, said the CGT.

Fuel Tankers Strike: Should we Fear a Shortage?

The CGT called for an unlimited strike of drivers of hazardous materials (fuel, gas, chemicals …) from Friday. According to the union, a majority of drivers are on strike this Friday in Ile-de-France. If this strike, triggered full weekend of Ascension continues, it could lead to supply problems but the UFIP (French Union of Petroleum Industries) is […]

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A Strike by fuel tanker drivers from Friday could affect fuel supply problems

CGT strike for Fuel tanker Drivers from Friday

Employees of road transport of hazardous materials (fuel, gas, chemicals …) are required to stop work and strike on Friday, announced on Tuesday the CGT, which launches a “renewable” movement for better recognition of the profession. The strike, at the weekend of the Ascension, in particular affect the oil depots and thus, ultimately, petrol stations […]

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The activists of the CGT gathered outside the power plant Cordemais, on Thursday March 24th

CGT Activists at the Cordemais Power Plant

The departmental CGT union organizes its 59th congress in Cordemais, north of Nantes, until tomorrow, Friday 24th March. On Thursday, they called the militants to come together in front of the EDF Cordemais plant whose future is uncertain. The departmental CGT union organizes its 59th congress until tomorrow, Friday 24th March, at Cordemais, north of […]

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Philippe Martinez promises mobilizations if the right wins in 2017.

Philippe Martinez Promises Mobilizations if the Right Wins in 2017

The winner of the primary for the Republicans is not yet known, but Philippe Martinez, leader of the CGT Union, warned Sunday that “the mobilization will be news” if the right wins in 2017 Philippe Martinez, leader of the CGT unions warned on Sunday that “the mobilization will be the news” if the right wins […]

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Unions giving leaflets on the Labour law to motorists in Mayenne

Labor Law: The CGT Advises Motorists at the Gravelle Toll

This Friday, August 19th, a delegation of CGT from Ille-et-Vilaine, Mayenne and Cofiroute distributed leaflets on the Labour Law to motorists. Yesterday afternoon, the toll of La Gravelle (Mayenne), a delegation of activists of the CGT from the Ille-et-Vilaine, Mayenne and Cofiroute, conducted an operation of  giving information of the labour law to motorists. Action […]

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The labour law demonstration, disrupted traffic in the centre of Laval

Demonstration against Labour Law Disrupts Traffic in Laval

A demonstration against the labour law, this morning in Laval, has disrupted traffic in town centre. A demonstration against the labour law was held this morning in Laval, between 11 am and 12.30pm. It was attended by several hundred persons.  The march has disrupted traffic in the centre of the town, especially near the Mayenne. The […]

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CGT union leader Martinez met the Labour Minister to discuss the Labour Law

Labour Law: A “constructive exchange” between Martinez and El Khomri but “no consensus”

IRON ARM:  General secretary of the CGT, Philippe Martinez, arrived shortly before 8 am on Friday at the Ministry of Labour, where he was welcomed by Myriam El Khomri … The long awaited appointment finally took place and Philippe Martinez seems rather satisfied with the face to face discussions although he remains firm. At the […]

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Hundreds of hooded people attacked the police with missiles thrown at the Labour Law Protests in Paris

Labour Law: Violent Demonstration in Paris, Forty Wounded

The Paris demonstration against the labour law was particularly violent. 58 people arrested and 29 police officers and 11 protesters injured. Businesses and shopfronts ransacked, hundreds of hooded protesters, at least 29 policemen and 11 demonstrators wounded, tear gas and, unusually, a water cannon to disperse the crowd.  This was the scene in Paris at […]

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National Day of protest against the Labour law in Paris

Labour Law: The procession of Demonstrators Rushed to Paris

Opponents of the Labour Law, gathered on Tuesday for a national demonstration in Paris, marching began around 1.30pm Firecrackers, smoke bombs and horns … The dense crowd of protesters against the labour law, started the march from the Place d’Italie (thirteenth arrondissement) in Paris to lead up to the Invalides (VII).  At the head of the march […]

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The Eiffel Tower will be closed on Tuesday with the protest against the Labour law

Labour law: The Eiffel Tower closed Tuesday

The operating company of the Eiffel Tower announced it will be closed on Tuesday “because of the national day of action” against the Labour Act. The Eiffel Tower was closed to the public all day on Tuesday “because of the national day of action” against the Labour law, announced in a statement by the operating company of […]

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