Lactalis removes a further 720 baby milk products over Salmonella contamination

Salmonella in Baby Milk: Lactalis Removes 720 Additional Batches

HEALTH: The Lactalis group announced Thursday morning the withdrawal of 720 batches of baby milk and other products to the risk of salmonella contamination … The Lactalis group announced Thursday morning the withdrawal of 720 batches of baby milk and other products with the risk of salmonella contamination. Picot products Milumel and Taranis, potentially contaminated, in addition […]

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UFC Que Choisir to file compliant against Lactlalis

Salmonella: The UFC-Que Choisir will file a complaint against Lactalis

The consumer association UFC-Que Choisir announced Monday its intention to file a complaint against the Lactalis Group. 625 batches of baby milk produced by the food group are affected by a withdrawal from the market due to contamination with salmonella. After a father filed a complaint, it is the association of consumers UFC-Que Choisir announcement Monday […]

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Contaminated baby milk has placed Lactalis into the heart of the storm

Contaminated Baby Milk: Lactalis in the Heart of the Storm

Since the recall of 7000 tonnes of baby milk powder produced in Craon, the Lactalis group is facing a major crisis. And must respond to the concerns of parents whose children have been contaminated with the bacteria. Why ? How? How many tons of milk were contaminated with salmonella? On Sunday 10th December, 2017, the State did withdraw […]

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Baby Milk Recall, Lactalis conducts analysis

Baby Milk Recall: Lactalis Conducts Analysis

Twelve baby milk batches from the Lactalis plant Craon (Mayenne) have been the subject of a recall on Saturday because of a probable contamination with salmonella. Lactalis told laboratories inventory of these lots remain at the factory: the first results will be known on December 9 at the earliest. Due to  possible contamination  with salmonella, nine batches of […]

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