European Elections 2019: The RN Narrowly Won Ahead of LREM by 0.9 points, According to the Final Results …

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Jordan Bardella (Jordan Bardella ( Rassemblement National) after the announcement of the results in the 2019 European elections.

EUROPEAN ELECTIONS RESULTS: The results of the European elections live with us the day after the election


  • The Rassemblement National (RN) of Marine Le Pen came first in France on Sunday (23.31%), ahead of the list supported by Emmanuel Macron (22.41%).
  • Participation, much higher than expected, is above 50%.
  • Despite the victories of Marine Le Pen, Matteo Salvini and Nigel Farage, the expected eurosceptic push seems to have been contained.
  • According to projections updated overnight, the European People’s Party (EPP, pro-European right) remains, with 179 seats, the first force of the European Parliament.

Between the RN and LREM, the difference is less clear than expected: the two parties will send the same number of deputies to the European Parliament

Everything was played to 205,000 votes. The list of the Rassemblement national of Jordan Bardella ahead of 0.9 point the list LREM-MoDem supported by the president Emmanuel Macron (23,31% against 22,41%), according to the final results communicated Monday morning by the ministry of the interior.

The two lists will get the same number (23) of deputies elected to the European Parliament after the exit of the UK from the EU. The RN list conducted by Jordan Bardella gets 5,281,576 votes, 205,213 votes more than Nathalie Loiseau’s LREM-Modem list.

We finally know who comes first between LFI and PS

It is insubordinate France that imposes with 6.31% of the vote, a few tenths of points before the alliance Socialist Party-Place Publique, which collects 6.19%, its worst score for European.

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