14th July Parade: Donald Trump Accepts the Invitation of Emmanuel Macron

General News
Donald Trump will be alongside Emmanuel Macron for the Bastille day 14th July Parade

DIPLOMACY:  “American soldiers will participate in the parade alongside their French comrades”, also said the Elysee …

He accepted the invitation of the French president. Donald Trump will attend the 14th July parade to commemorate the centenary of the entry of the US into World War one.

“On this occasion, US soldiers will participate in the parade alongside their French comrades,” said the Elysee.

“Strong partnership”

The detailed program of this first visit of President Trump in France was however not yet arrested Wednesday, are we the same source, simply specifying that Donald Trump does not accompany his French counterpart in the afternoon to Nice . Emmanuel Macron has to honor the victims of jihadist attack, which had made a year earlier 86 dead and 434 wounded.

At their meeting in Paris, “the two leaders will highlight the strong economic partnership and in the fight against terrorism that unites their countries and discuss many other issues of mutual interest,” said the White House in a statement .

A new blow to diplomatic luster for Macron

On Tuesday, Emmanuel Macron had invited, in a telephone interview, the US president and his wife Melania to attend the parade on the 14th July , which this year celebrates “100 years of the entry into the war the United States alongside French troops during the First World War. ”

The presence of Donald Trump, who will undoubtedly be accompanied by his wife Melania, on the Place de la Concorde to the national holiday promises to be a new strong diplomatic time of the beginning of mandate Emmanuel Macron after his summit with Russian President Vladimir Poutine on May 29 under the golds of Versailles.

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