EPIDEMIC: The president of the Rassemblement National, Marine Le Pen proposes to bring forward “the date of the holidays, perhaps to create a form of crawl space”
For Marine Le Pen it is urgent: we must “close schools” in the face of the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic . Guest of the program Dimanche en politique on France 3, the president of the Rassemblement National estimated Sunday that this decision was binding on the government “rather than waiting for classes to close one after the other”.
Impossible to “do otherwise”
“In the current situation, we can not do otherwise” she judged. Education Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer “says it himself: every time there is a case, classes will be closed, therefore all classes will close”, argued Marine Le Pen. “Might as well bring forward the date of the holidays, perhaps to create a form of crawl space,” she added.
Faced with the worsening of the epidemic in schools, Jean-Michel Blanquer announced Friday that, in the 19 departments affected by the new restrictions, a single case of Covid-19 in a class will now lead to its closure, against three up to ‘so. “Today, in reality, schools are closed because the cases are increasing,” commented Marine Le Pen who, during the first deconfinement in May 2020, called for schools to open only in September.
She also qualified as “error” the fact of not having vaccinated teachers as a priority and again pinned the management of the epidemic, “a real debacle”, by Emmanuel Macron, “a pitiful strategist”. “The French are fed up with political leaders who never cease to be self-satisfied where, obviously, things do not work”, she insisted, while the head of state refused to all meager his decision in particular not to reconfine the country at the end of January, against the advice of many scientists.