Camille Combal Leaves Virgin Radio at the Start of the School Year

Television Entertainment
Camille Combal leaves Virgin Radio at the start of the school year

RADIO: The presenter, Camille Combal announced him leaving Virgin radio in an interview given this Sunday to “Parisien”

After six years spent on Virgin Radio, its star host returns to the air. In an interview with the Parisian published this Sunday, Camille Combal indeed announces that he will no longer wake up listeners from 7 am to 10 am from the start of the school year.

“It is the end of a superb adventure, but also of a cycle. It’s my decision. I’m in my sixth morning year, it’s huge. We went through crazy things and created a crazy link with the listeners, ”explains the presenter who asks“ every year ”the“ question of the wear of time ”and claims to have preferred“ to stop at the right time ”.

Towards a 100% TF1 year

On the project side, Camille Combal explains that she has “no other radio project”. For him back to school will be a priority at TF1 with Who wants to win millions and a new season of Dance with the stars and Mask Singer, the resumption of its entertainment program Plan C … and perhaps some novelties.

“For this third year, I will try to put a more personal touch in new projects. I realize how lucky I am, ”says the presenter,“ happy ”.

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