You know the holly and the mistletoe but there are other more unusual shrubs that display bright berries… To install in plain view to enjoy the show!
Violet bays: the callicarpa
It is called the candy tree (although its berries are not edible) or callicarpa bodinieri: this deciduous shrub surprises with the density of its perfectly round purple clusters which appear in late autumn. What decor! Perfect in hedges or in clumps, it requires little maintenance.
It likes rich or even ordinary mulched soils and sunny exposures sheltered from cold winds. It reaches 1.50 to 3 m in height. Callicarpa also exists with white berries: it is then japonica leucocarpa or dichotoma Albicacca.
Very orange: l’argousier
The hippophae rhamnoides is a dioecious edible shrub that grows up to 3 m and is known for its vitamin C content and for its medicinal properties. It is the female feet that produce these bright orange berries from which you can make jams, compotes, pies, salads or juices.
The sea buckthorn does not fear the heatwave and periods of drought, nor the humidity and the wind. If he prefers calcareous or acid soils, very draining, he is content with any soil, in full sun. If you prefer to avoid its thorns, choose the cultivar “Inermis”.

Baie rouge: le nandina domestica
To change from the ordinary cotoneaster, sacred bamboo (which however has nothing to do with bamboo) is a slow-growing shrub interesting for small urban gardens: compact, it only reaches 60 cm to 2 m and fruit in generous bright red clusters.
It is also doing well in a container, in poor and even dry soil. Its evergreen leaves turn purple after the arrival of the berries, giving a delightful blazing appearance. To be planted in partial shade in well-drained soil. Be careful, berries and plants are toxic.

Pink berry: the symphorine
The berries of the symphorin are commonly white but certain varieties such as the symphorin “Mother of Pearl”, the symphoricarpos dorenbosii “Magic Berry” or the Symphoricarpos x doorenbosii “Amethyst” sport pink pearls! Round or slightly ovoid, they are magnified when the deciduous foliage leaves them the limelight on its arched branches.
This “pearl tree” is ideally planted in calcareous and cool soil but can be satisfied with all types of soil, being exposed to the sun or partial shade.

Black and pink berry: viburnum
The viburnum is already popular in the garden for its white flowers. Its original berries complete its assets! They are usually red but some varieties give pink and blackberries: the Viburnum nudum Pink Beauty (pink berries then purple on bare branches) and the viburnum globosum Jermyns Globe (small black blue fruits on red peduncles) are to be bought on .
Viburnums appreciate a cool soil, in partial shade and are easy to cultivate. It is necessary to plant several shrubs to obtain abundant fruiting.