The heat wave returns to France, with a “spectacular” jump of the thermometer expected Monday 22nd July 2019 in the southern half and perhaps the temperature records in Paris.
Beware of overheating! This new episode, the second in less than a month, arrives on France with 21 South West and Central East departments placed in orange alert from Monday morning.
Read also: Heat wave: 21 departments placed on orange alert by Meteo France
“The hot, dry air mass behind this spectacular rise will gradually move north. Warmth orange vigilance will spread quickly to many regions, “said Météo France Sunday.
“Overall this heat wave will be less intense than that of June. We do not expect heat peaks at 45/46 ° but the regions north of the Loire will this time be much more concerned. For Wednesday and Thursday, we expect some records on these departments”
During the previous canicular episode, exceptional in its precocity and intensity, the absolute record of temperature in France was established on June 28 at 46 ° C in Verargues in Herault.
Etienne Kapikian, the forecaster at Meteo France, observes on Twitter that in Paris “the historic absolute record is threatened (40.4 ° C on July 28, 1947)”.

Then between Tuesday and Thursday, the heat bubble will spread gradually throughout France, sparing only “the tip and the north coast of Brittany .”
“It will be necessary to wait for Friday so that the temperatures begin to decline by the Atlantic facade”
Policies on the bridge
This new wave of heat coincides with a debate on the warming organized Tuesday in the National Assembly.
The 162 deputies who are part of the “Accelerate” trans- climate coalition will welcome climate watchmaker Greta Thunberg , who will advocate for the fight for climate change.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Friday that her government has revised up its climatic ambitions through the mobilization of children, adolescents and young adults organized by the Swedish teenager.
Asked about President Emmanuel Macron’s commitment to the climate, Greta Thunberg told Libération that “no policy I have come across seems to have realized the urgency of the situation,” adding that “no country enough, if you want to stay below 1.5 degrees Celsius.
This while the signs of climate change multiply in 2019: the month of June was the hottest ever recorded in the world, especially because of the heat wave in Europe, according to data from the European service Copernicus on climate change.
A heat wave is already affecting much of the United States, with temperatures reaching 38 ° C in New York and Washington.
A week ago, temperatures reached 21 degrees Celsius at Alert, the world’s northernmost inhabited location, less than 900 km from the North Pole, setting an “absolute record” of heat for this station.
On Saturday, due to the heat and heavy gusts, six regions in central and southern Portugal were placed on fire alert.
In France, the information platform “Heat Wave info service”, available on 0800 06 66 66 (toll-free number ), will also resume service.
The heat wave settles on the Hexagon whereas while the country 73 departments are concerned by restrictions of water and the townsmen will be subjected to warmer temperatures and the risk of pollution with ozone.
The Minister of Agriculture, Didier Guillaume, has added nine departments to 24 to which the European Union has accepted since July 1 to grant a force majeure clause allowing them to “mow fallows, to feed their animals, because it there is simply no more grass in the pasture to feed them.