Facebook: Underpaid, Harassed, Moderators of the Social Network are Exhausted

Tech News
Underpaid and abused, Facebook moderators call for help

VIOLENCE, PEDOPHILIA … Moderators of Facebook must watch unsustainable videos for low wages

Behind the window of Facebook, the moderators who watch and monitor the social network can not anymore. Faced daily with the worst of the Internet, these 15,000 employees from outsourcing companies are exhausted, according to a survey of The Verge , relayed by Presse Citron.

“People were crying, crumbling, vomiting,” says Shawn Speagle, a former moderator then employed by subcontractor Cognizant, on the American media. “It was like a horror movie. “Against the $ 28,800 annual, far from the most fabulous wages of Facebook, employees see everything from racist comments to pornographic videos.

“Facebook must close”

To overcome this, moderators only benefit from two breaks of 15 minutes each, a meal break of 30 minutes and a “well-being” break of 9 minutes. The Verge investigation also reveals that their premises are often unhealthy and that employees are subjected to harassment practices and sexual harassment.

“I think Facebook has to close,” concludes Shawn Speagle, who is very up against the social network. For its part, a Cognizant manager assured that he took “allegations of this type very seriously,” and that he “strives to create a safe and empowering workplace.”

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