A fire broke out on Tuesday 28th May, on the top floor of a building on Josephine Street, Evreux. There are seven victims, including one in absolute urgency.
Update at 4pm: The assessment prepared by the relief reports seven wounded, including one in absolute urgency. The other victims are slightly affected, only inconvenienced by the smoke.
In total, 40 firefighters were deployed on the premises, from Evreux, Louviers, Conches, Ezy-sur-Eure, Saint-Andre-de-l’Eure and Pacy-sur-Eure. Three of them are among the wounded.
“It’s the second fire”
The fire broke out on Tuesday 28th May, on the top floor of an apartment located at 47 rue Josephine in Evreux. Trapped, several people present in the housing, were evacuated by firefighters using the large scale.
“This is the second fire in a year,” says a young couple housed in a F2 social landlord, Eure Habitat .
“I was folding laundry in my room when I saw smoke coming out of the roofs. But I did not dare to take the big ladder. So with my companion, we went down the stairs “continues the young woman while a firefighter was to receive first aid, inconvenienced by fumes.

As a precaution, the nursery of employees of the County Council of Eure – located close to the rue Josephine – was also evacuated.