This week, Emmanuel Macron should make announcements at the end of the Grand National Debate. Lower taxes, 80 km/h, pensions … the president will not have the right to make mistakes.
Decrease in income tax, reindexing of small pensions or adjustments of the 80 km/h : Emmanuel Macron is in a hurry on all sides before his announcements expected at the beginning of the week, supposed to answer to the demands of the “yellow vests” and to revive his status.
The Elysee has not revealed the day or the format that will take these ads. The only certainty, the speech of Emmanuel Macron, who said he wants to launch his “Act 2”, will be Monday 15th April, 2019 at 8pm on television. He will announce “the priority action projects and the first concrete measures,” said the Elysee Sunday evening.
On Wednesday 17th, he will “make new announcements”, “explain and detail” his major projects at a press conference at the Elysee. Its very first in France since the beginning of its five-year period in May 2017.
Read also: Yellow vests: slightly increased mobilisation for Act 22
Decrease in income tax
On the merits, the president is preparing himself hard among, among others, his closest advisers, the Secretary General Alexis Kohler, the Prime Minister, and consulting heavyweights of the majority as the president of MoDem François Bayrou or LREM President of the National Assembly Richard Ferrand.
Among the avenues mentioned are a decline in income tax with the possible introduction of new tranches to make it more progressive and the reindexation of “small pensions” on inflation. Measures favored respectively by 82% and 88% of French, according to an Ifop poll released Sunday by the JDD , covering nine tracks among dozens mentioned during the great debate.

Health, referendum, 80 km / h …
According to this survey, a large majority of French people (87%) consider it necessary to force doctors to settle in medical deserts. More than three out of four are in favor of “a relaxation of the conditions allowing citizens to propose referendums” (76%) and 72% are in favor of “a one-off allowance for the poorest who would merge all existing social assistance”. On the other hand, 54% are against the abolition of the ENA.
Also on the table: the taking into account of the white vote, the abolition of the benefits of the former presidents, prime ministers and ministers, the creation of territorial advisers – reform proposed by Nicolas Sarkozy -, the improvement of the payment of the alimony to the mothers single. Or facilities for the limitation to 80km / h.
“The answer will be massive,” assured Stéphane Séjourné, director of the LREM campaign for the Europeans. “Powerful and concrete” decisions, according to Prime Minister Edouard Philippe with “big projects” on the longer term.
“No second chance”
But the oppositions doubt it. The President of the National Rally Marine Le Pen, whose list in the Europeans heels that of LREM, expects “some minor changes, anecdotal” that Mr. Macron “will present trumpets”.
✅ Baisse de 10% de l’impôt sur le revenu
✅ Réindexation des retraites sur l’inflation
✅ Annulation des hausses de taxes sur les carburants
Des baisses d’impôts durables pour les Français, financées par une baisse de la dépense publique. #BFMPolitique— Laurent Wauquiez (@laurentwauquiez) April 14, 2019
“If Emmanuel Macron wants to leave his government of paralysis (…) he must operate a triple-turn: fiscal, social and territorial,” says his side the president of the Association of Mayors of France (AMF), François Baroin.
On the left, Raphael Glucksmann, head of list PS / Place public to the Europeans, questioned on Europe1 / CNews / LesEchos , judges that the priority is to “put an end to the tax injustice (…) either by restoring the ISF, either by establishing a new tax bracket on the highest income “.
It is necessary “a great plan of ecological transformation” with a better social justice, considered on BFMTV the spokesperson of EELV, Sandra Regol.
“The urgency of the decline in public spending and taxes” can not be “the main lesson from five months of occupation roundabouts, unprecedented climate walks and four months of great debate,” also warn 16 personalities including the former minister Nicolas Hulot or Christophe Robert (Foundation Abbé Pierre), in a forum published Sunday in the JDD .
[INTEGRALE] Tribune de Nicolas Hulot et Laurent Berger : “Le quinquennat à quitte ou double”
— Le JDD (@leJDD) April 14, 2019
According to them, the urgency is, among others, investment “in the ecological transition, solidarity and territorial”, with transport “less polluting”.
In any case, Emmanuel Macron “will have no second chance,” warns the Senate Speaker, Gerard Larcher (LR), convinced that “the answers can not be purely cosmetic or purely institutional”.
The “yellow vests” have already made an appointment in Paris for a 23rd Saturday event.