Fire at Notre-Dame de Paris: Relics, Statues and paintings … 1,300 Works Sheltered

General News
Works of art saved from Notre-Dame and sheltered in safe places

This Thursday, at the Prefecture of the Ile-de-France Region, Karine Duquesnoy, Deputy Regional Director of Cultural Affairs of Ile-de-France, returned to the rescue plan of the works of Notre-Dame cathedral

  • 1,300 works were sheltered, at the Louvre museum or in secure warehouses.

  • They will be preserved, restored.

“While firefighters were working, Drac teams were at their side to manage the evacuation of priceless works,” says Karine Duquesnoy, Deputy Regional Director for Cultural Affairs of Île-de-France ( Drac). This Thursday, at the Prefecture of the Ile-de-France Region, she returned to the course of the evening during which the fire broke out in Notre-Dame de Paris and in particular on the rescue plan of the works of the cathedral.

Ten days ago, on the night of Monday to Tuesday, while the flames ignite the building , Karine Duquesnoy is at the command post of firefighters and must then quickly make the decision to release the most works, the faster possible, in “respect for human life”.

“I have never looked away from the relics”

Statue of the 14th century, great “Mays”, liturgical objects … “The urgency was: all we can get out, we take it out,” she exclaims. In cooperation with the Paris Fire Brigade (BSPP), the French Museums Department and the Paris City Hall teams, works have since been evacuated from the cathedral to join city trucks and be stored. especially in a hall of the town hall. They are plotted, listed. A real ant work is done by the teams. And special attention is paid to the Holy Relics, property of the clergy.

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