The tolls of Narbonne-Est and Sigean on the A9, but also Lézignan (Aude) on the A61, were burned and vandalised on the night of Saturday 22nd to Sunday, December 23rd, 2018.
The tolls and infrastructure of Vinci Autoroutes are definitely targets of choice in the region in recent weeks. After the toll of Narbonne-Sud (Aude), then that of Bessan (Hérault), both burned twice, there are three other exchangers in the region that were burned and vandalised, on the night of Saturday 22 to Sunday 23 December 2018, on the sidelines of the movement of yellow vests, in the Aude: two on the A9 (between Montpellier and Perpignan), one on the A61 (between Narbonne and Toulouse).
Degradation in Narbonne East and Sigean
Degradations were again committed during the night on the A9 tolls of Narbonne East (No. 37) and Sigean (No. 39). “Despite the many damage and thanks to the rapid intervention of law enforcement, and firefighters, the interchanges were able to reopen quickly,” said Vinci Autoroutes. Each time, only one terminal was burned and a traffic lane remains condemned.
Note that this is the third consecutive weekend of damage to the various exchangers in Narbonne.
The exchanger Lézignan burned
On the other hand, the balance sheet is heavier at the Lézignan-Corbières interchange (n ° 25) on the A61, which “was burned around midnight,” reports Vinci Autoroutes. As a result, the output remains impossible in both directions.
According to our information, in Lézignan, individuals set fire to a car, stolen from a nearby parking lot, and the fire spread to the facilities of the motorway company …