According to Meteo France, the thermometer should go from 18 ° degrees on Sunday 21st October, to just 9 degrees by Saturday 27th October, at the height of the day in Toulouse. Details.
Meteo France forecasts a drop in temperatures from Tuesday 23rd October, 2018, in Toulouse and the surrounding area. While the sun was forecast for this weekend, it is the fog that fell on Toulouse …
It did not dissipate until late afternoon, Sunday. It should be back on Monday morning. But it is especially the freshness that will settle permanently in the region.

A serious blow of cold is indeed expected Saturday with rain and only 9 ° C showing for the temperatures …
#HIVER Dimanche prochain, il fera froid. Les températures seront dignes d’un début de mois de #décembre et il #neigera dès 700 mètres. Il sera temps de ressortir les vêtements d’hiver !
— La Chaîne Météo (@lachainemeteo) 21 October 2018
Snow is even announced in the Pyrenees. It is soon time to take out the winter clothes …